Real Science Friday: Trillions Missing

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Real Science Friday: Trillions Missing

This is the show from Friday May 29th, 2009.

Atheists recognize intuitively that if they say there's such a thing a right and wrong,
there must be an ultimate authority. And they are afraid of acknowledging an ultimate
authority because His name is God. They know that intuitively. That's why increasingly
they say there's no such thing as truth. What do you do with an atheist? It's like
arguing with an infant having a temper tantrum. What do you do when they say
there's no such thing as truth but Darwinism is absolutely true, the Big Bang is
absolutely true, atheism is absolutely true and there's no such thing as truth? What
do you do?


* Where are Darwin's Trillions of People?: CRS webmaster Fred Williams and Bob Enyart ask where are the trillions of missing living, buried and fossilized humans if evolutionists are correct and homosapiens have existed for a million years? The two young-earth creationists also discuss a SETI scientist's unscientific and illogical a prior rejection of God; the courage of Australia's group to talk about the de-criminalization of sexual immorality; the tragic consequences of widespread atheism among youth. Finally, Fred and Bob evaluate Charles Darwin's thinking skills based on quotes from his autobiography.

* Today's Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet (clip), Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart's Age of the Earth Debate; Walt Brown's In the Beginning and Bob's interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week; the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI's tremendous Creation magazine!


New member
where are the trillions of missing living, buried and fossilized humans if evolutionists are correct and homosapiens have existed for a million years?
Right fromt he start they show they don't know what they are talking about.
  1. Homo Sapiens as a species has existed for 100's of thousands of years. Millions of years ago our ancestors would not be called Homo Sapiens.
  2. The population of the earth has been increasing almost exponentially recently. The population for much of our species history was been generally quite low until the last few thousand years.
  3. Fossils are rare because it requires special conditions for the creature to die in so as to ensure that it is not destroyed and is then replaced with minerals to form the fossil.

Finally, Fred and Bob evaluate Charles Darwin's thinking skills based on quotes from his autobiography.
[sarcasm] Oh goody, quote mining. Because we all know how accurate and useful THAT is... [/sarcasm]


The Dark Knight
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Right fromt he start they show they don't know what they are talking about.
  1. Homo Sapiens as a species has existed for 100's of thousands of years. Millions of years ago our ancestors would not be called Homo Sapiens.
  2. The population of the earth has been increasing almost exponentially recently. The population for much of our species history was been generally quite low until the last few thousand years.
There should still be more people.


New member
This argument can only end badly for the creationist who believes the flood resulted in much of our fossil record.


New member
13.7 billion years of evolution and THIS is the result?

I feel quite sorry for anyone foolish enough to take this stuff seriously.

It is not right. It is not even wrong. There is no argument to refute. It is just lunatic plus bizarre multiplied by goofy divided by zero.


New member
There should still be more people.
Where? Buried or living?

Buried there should not since very few remains escape scavengers and general destruction by nature to become fossils, most of the remains we can find will be recent and in cemeteries and mass graves dating only thousands to hundreds of old.

Living on the other hand is even easier - there is this thing called "death" which keeps the number of people down. Any increase in the population above what the environment can sustain (either due to food, sanitation, room, etc) usually results in an increased death toll thus bringing the population back in check. Gains in population have been mainly associated with colonisation of new environments, then increases in technology, infrastructure and organisation over the last thousands of years and particularly the last few hundred.

So on what basis do you say there should be "more people"? Saying it is so does not make it true, at least give some inkling as to your reasoning as I have done for mine.


New member
There should still be more people.

Using this argument---time and rate of reproduction---the planet should simply be covered by bacterial layers miles thick. There should be no room for people.
The argument put forth by Pastor Bob and his buddy is either from incredible ignorance or incredible dishonesty. I would suggest that if the good Pastor's sciency buddy holds himself out as a knowledgable sciency person then he should know better.


New member
13.7 billion years of evolution and THIS is the result?

I feel quite sorry for anyone foolish enough to take this stuff seriously.

It is not right. It is not even wrong. There is no argument to refute. It is just lunatic plus bizarre multiplied by goofy divided by zero.

I tried not to laugh at this, I really did... :D

I'm no scientist, but even I can see that Bob demonstrates a basic lack of understanding regarding the evolution of humans.
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