RSF: The Origin of Earth's Radioactivity
This is the show from Friday, March 16th, 2012.
* Walt Brown Discovered How Radioactive Decay Started: Real Science Friday co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams describe Dr. Brown's Hydroplate Theory and it's explanation of the origin of Earth's radioactivity. Consider:
- God created a paradise for mankind so no radioactivity would have existed on the original Earth because radioactive decay can cause birth defects, disease, and death.
- The fourth state of matter, beyond solid, liquid, and gas, is plasma (lightning, neon lights, etc.) which is like a gas but with the electrons stripped away.
- Pressure on quartz produces an electric voltage and the granite in the Earth's crust is more than one-fourth quartz.
- Earthquakes produce lightning strikes coming out of the ground and in the ground.
- The journal Nature reports that an average earthquake produces hundreds of millions of volts.
- During the upheaval of the global flood pressure in the crust produced enormous voltages that produced plasma surges in the crust.
- Those voltages smashed together the nuclei of atoms to create, in the crust, radioactive elements and massive, instantaneous apparent radioactive decay.
- The only alternative theory DOES NOT EXPLAIN THE ORIGIN of radioactive elements. The Big Bang's chemical evolution theory claims that such elements were created in stars. Yet famed cosmologist George Gamow wrote that, "the temperatures in the interior of stars are measured in
tens of millions of degrees, whereas several billion degrees are
needed to 'cook' radioactive nuclei from the nuclei of lighter
* AronRa Writen Debate with Creationist Bob Enyart: The debate on League of Reason continues.
KGOV Telethon March(es) On
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1. Our newest monthly subscription is our Monthly Sermons on audio CD. For many years we have offered the sermons on MP3-CD, but now you can get the Monthly Sermons on standard audio Compact Disc that will play on any CD player, including the one in your car. All of the sermons from the month will be sent to you in a multiple CD album.
2. Monthly Bible Study Videos - You will receive a months worth of weekly Bible studies each month. These video Bible studies are great for starting a family Bible study of even a neighborhood study.
3. Monthly Sermon Videos - You will receive all sermons from the month will be sent to you on DVD. Video is a great way to watch the sermons with your family.
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Order or donate online or call 303-463-7789 or 1-800-8Enyart.
* RSF Callers Wayne and Darren about Radioactivity: In 2011, Wayne from Nebraska and Darren from St. George, Utah asked Bob about radioactive decay. They talked about:
- Carbon 14 able to date things only to thousands of years,
- Zircon crystals retain so much helium they disprove old dates, and
- Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory on The Origin of Earth's Radioactivity!
Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in our online store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about;Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio program Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins!
This is the show from Friday, March 16th, 2012.
* Walt Brown Discovered How Radioactive Decay Started: Real Science Friday co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams describe Dr. Brown's Hydroplate Theory and it's explanation of the origin of Earth's radioactivity. Consider:
- God created a paradise for mankind so no radioactivity would have existed on the original Earth because radioactive decay can cause birth defects, disease, and death.
- The fourth state of matter, beyond solid, liquid, and gas, is plasma (lightning, neon lights, etc.) which is like a gas but with the electrons stripped away.
- Pressure on quartz produces an electric voltage and the granite in the Earth's crust is more than one-fourth quartz.
- Earthquakes produce lightning strikes coming out of the ground and in the ground.
- The journal Nature reports that an average earthquake produces hundreds of millions of volts.
- During the upheaval of the global flood pressure in the crust produced enormous voltages that produced plasma surges in the crust.
- Those voltages smashed together the nuclei of atoms to create, in the crust, radioactive elements and massive, instantaneous apparent radioactive decay.
- The only alternative theory DOES NOT EXPLAIN THE ORIGIN of radioactive elements. The Big Bang's chemical evolution theory claims that such elements were created in stars. Yet famed cosmologist George Gamow wrote that, "the temperatures in the interior of stars are measured in
tens of millions of degrees, whereas several billion degrees are
needed to 'cook' radioactive nuclei from the nuclei of lighter
* AronRa Writen Debate with Creationist Bob Enyart: The debate on League of Reason continues.
KGOV Telethon March(es) On
Thank you so much! But we still need help! Please consider one or more of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, they will also help to better understand the Bible and equip you to be a better witness to those around you.
1. Our newest monthly subscription is our Monthly Sermons on audio CD. For many years we have offered the sermons on MP3-CD, but now you can get the Monthly Sermons on standard audio Compact Disc that will play on any CD player, including the one in your car. All of the sermons from the month will be sent to you in a multiple CD album.
2. Monthly Bible Study Videos - You will receive a months worth of weekly Bible studies each month. These video Bible studies are great for starting a family Bible study of even a neighborhood study.
3. Monthly Sermon Videos - You will receive all sermons from the month will be sent to you on DVD. Video is a great way to watch the sermons with your family.
4. Monthly Bible Study Audios on MP3- CD.
5. Monthly Sermon Audios on MP3-CD.
6. Monthly Topical Videos - Each month your will get one of Bob's great topical videos.
7. Best of Bob - Each month you get the best 8 shows of the month on MP3-CD.
8. Monthly TV Classics
9. Monthly Donation
* Free Gift: When you subscribe to any monthly subscription, new monthly donation of $20.00 or more or a one time donation of $50.00 or more, we will send you Bob's video series Having a Great Prayer Life.
Order or donate online or call 303-463-7789 or 1-800-8Enyart.
* RSF Callers Wayne and Darren about Radioactivity: In 2011, Wayne from Nebraska and Darren from St. George, Utah asked Bob about radioactive decay. They talked about:
- Carbon 14 able to date things only to thousands of years,
- Zircon crystals retain so much helium they disprove old dates, and
- Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory on The Origin of Earth's Radioactivity!
Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Department in our online store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about;Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio program Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins!
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