RSF: The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem
This is the show from Monday, December 19th 2011.
* CU's Fiske Planetarium's Show on Christ's Birth: The University of Colorado's planetarium presents annually a live program, The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem, by amateur astronomer Gil Buller. From the planetarium's website, "This exciting program examines the sky at the time of the birth of Christ to see which astronomical phenomenon may have been the Star of Bethlehem."
* Orbital Mechanics Help Identify the Star of Bethlehem: Using computer-generated images of the night sky in ancient Israel, this planetarium program does in great style what Bob Enyart's DVD does using more modest computer simulation software. Click to get Bob's classic DVD, The Planets, Stars, and The Bible. Gil Buller joins Bob Enyart in studio for this Christmas week's special episode of Real Science Friday.
Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Departmentin our online store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's creation/evolution debate that hits on Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott (see description below); and the superb kids' radio program Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins!
This is the show from Monday, December 19th 2011.
* CU's Fiske Planetarium's Show on Christ's Birth: The University of Colorado's planetarium presents annually a live program, The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem, by amateur astronomer Gil Buller. From the planetarium's website, "This exciting program examines the sky at the time of the birth of Christ to see which astronomical phenomenon may have been the Star of Bethlehem."
* Orbital Mechanics Help Identify the Star of Bethlehem: Using computer-generated images of the night sky in ancient Israel, this planetarium program does in great style what Bob Enyart's DVD does using more modest computer simulation software. Click to get Bob's classic DVD, The Planets, Stars, and The Bible. Gil Buller joins Bob Enyart in studio for this Christmas week's special episode of Real Science Friday.
Today’s Resource: Have you browsed through our Science Departmentin our online store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's creation/evolution debate that hits on Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott (see description below); and the superb kids' radio program Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins!