Real Science Friday: Journal of Creation!
This is the show from Friday February 23rd 2007.
* Fred Williams: webmaster for Creation Research Society and co-host of Bob Enyart's Real Science Friday, describes articles in the Volume 20(3) of the 2006 Journal of Creation, a prestigious peer-reviewed science journal from Australia's
* A Yellowstone Mountain Broke Apart: the 424-square mile Heart Mountain broke apart into 50 huge pieces which slid apart over an area of 1,340 square miles, with one fragment, called MuCulloch Peaks, ending up 55 miles away! These massive rock chunks average 1,650 feet thick. Evolutionary geologists made their typical knee-jerk assumption that the slide occurred slowly over geologic ages. However as with countless other massive geologic features, the overwhelming evidence is that this mountain broke apart rapidly. So now, even the evolutionary journal, Geology (34:165, 2006) suggests that the Heart Mountain slide took only 30 minutes!
* Lucy, The Make-Believe Human Ancestor: just had a baby! Well, actually, paleontologists have just unveiled a young female of the same extinct Australopithecus afarensis species. Ongoing research on Australopithecus exposes as false many of the evolutionists' knee-jerk assumptions about Lucy. For example:
- "adjusted for body size, the brain was not significantly larger than an ape's" as had been claimed.
- "a complete hyoid bone (associated with the larynx) was found which was utterly chimplike. No evidence there of any speech capacity" as had been hoped.
- "one complete fingerbone is curved, like that of a chimp. Curved fingers are designed for grasping in the trees."
- "the shoulderblade is gorilla-like, designed for tree-climbing and knuclewalking, not upright gait."
- "the organ of balance characteristics in the skull confirm that its locomotion was, like a chimp's, not habitually upright."
* Oncolytic Viruses: Cancer-killing viruses, such as measles, polio, herpes simplex, etc., preferentially target cancer cells. Various viruses are useful as agents to transport treatments to cancer cells, suggesting that their original purpose was to protect health. Further, viruses mutate but as with all mutations, they do not gain functionality (or improve), but breakdown and lose information. Further, viruses mutate rapidly, but they have never been observed evolving into bacteria or any other kind of single-celled organism, nor even into a different family of viruses!
* Big Bang Fails Shadow Test: As we measure the "echo" of the "Big Bang" coming to us on Earth, we should observe a shadow from nearby galaxies that will somewhat block out that echo (it's Cosmic Microwave Background radiation). However, the 2006 Astrophysical Journal has reported on NASA data that averaging measurements from 31 galaxy clusters, no shadow was detected! As a Huntsville scientists, Dr. Richard Lieu, stated, "Either... the Big Bang is blown away or ... there is something else going on'."
* Telethon Progress: $28,587 (114%) of our $25,000 goal! Wow! Thank you all! Some of our listeners mail their pledge in, so we will report the final results of this telethon on March 7. You have helped us keep broadcasting for another year! This is the most successful telethon we have ever had, and some people are still sending their pledges! Wow! Thank you! -Bob Enyart
Today's Resource: Within one-week from today's show, BEL will give you a gift subscription to Journal of Creation as a thank you if you purchase either the BEL Science Pack, or subscribe to any of our resources, such as the BEL TV Classics, Bible Albums, Sermons, or BEL Topical Videos! If you call us at 800-8Enyart, just ask for the Journal of Creation subscription, and if you order online, type your subscription request in the "notes" field during "Check Out."
This is the show from Friday February 23rd 2007.
* Fred Williams: webmaster for Creation Research Society and co-host of Bob Enyart's Real Science Friday, describes articles in the Volume 20(3) of the 2006 Journal of Creation, a prestigious peer-reviewed science journal from Australia's
* A Yellowstone Mountain Broke Apart: the 424-square mile Heart Mountain broke apart into 50 huge pieces which slid apart over an area of 1,340 square miles, with one fragment, called MuCulloch Peaks, ending up 55 miles away! These massive rock chunks average 1,650 feet thick. Evolutionary geologists made their typical knee-jerk assumption that the slide occurred slowly over geologic ages. However as with countless other massive geologic features, the overwhelming evidence is that this mountain broke apart rapidly. So now, even the evolutionary journal, Geology (34:165, 2006) suggests that the Heart Mountain slide took only 30 minutes!
* Lucy, The Make-Believe Human Ancestor: just had a baby! Well, actually, paleontologists have just unveiled a young female of the same extinct Australopithecus afarensis species. Ongoing research on Australopithecus exposes as false many of the evolutionists' knee-jerk assumptions about Lucy. For example:
- "adjusted for body size, the brain was not significantly larger than an ape's" as had been claimed.
- "a complete hyoid bone (associated with the larynx) was found which was utterly chimplike. No evidence there of any speech capacity" as had been hoped.
- "one complete fingerbone is curved, like that of a chimp. Curved fingers are designed for grasping in the trees."
- "the shoulderblade is gorilla-like, designed for tree-climbing and knuclewalking, not upright gait."
- "the organ of balance characteristics in the skull confirm that its locomotion was, like a chimp's, not habitually upright."
* Oncolytic Viruses: Cancer-killing viruses, such as measles, polio, herpes simplex, etc., preferentially target cancer cells. Various viruses are useful as agents to transport treatments to cancer cells, suggesting that their original purpose was to protect health. Further, viruses mutate but as with all mutations, they do not gain functionality (or improve), but breakdown and lose information. Further, viruses mutate rapidly, but they have never been observed evolving into bacteria or any other kind of single-celled organism, nor even into a different family of viruses!
* Big Bang Fails Shadow Test: As we measure the "echo" of the "Big Bang" coming to us on Earth, we should observe a shadow from nearby galaxies that will somewhat block out that echo (it's Cosmic Microwave Background radiation). However, the 2006 Astrophysical Journal has reported on NASA data that averaging measurements from 31 galaxy clusters, no shadow was detected! As a Huntsville scientists, Dr. Richard Lieu, stated, "Either... the Big Bang is blown away or ... there is something else going on'."
* Telethon Progress: $28,587 (114%) of our $25,000 goal! Wow! Thank you all! Some of our listeners mail their pledge in, so we will report the final results of this telethon on March 7. You have helped us keep broadcasting for another year! This is the most successful telethon we have ever had, and some people are still sending their pledges! Wow! Thank you! -Bob Enyart
Today's Resource: Within one-week from today's show, BEL will give you a gift subscription to Journal of Creation as a thank you if you purchase either the BEL Science Pack, or subscribe to any of our resources, such as the BEL TV Classics, Bible Albums, Sermons, or BEL Topical Videos! If you call us at 800-8Enyart, just ask for the Journal of Creation subscription, and if you order online, type your subscription request in the "notes" field during "Check Out."