Real Science Friday Interviews ID Author Jonathan Witt


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RSF Interviews ID Author Jonathan Witt

This is the show from Friday October 14th, 2011.


* Intelligent Design Uncensored
: The National Academy of Sciences' Philip Skell describes the recent Dembski-Witt ID book as "A five-star fantastic voyage!" Bob Enyart and Dr. Jonathan Witt talk through the easy-to-understand guide to the Intelligent Design controversy that he co-authored with William Dembski.

* Atheist Circular Reasoning and Eugenie Scott: Dr. Witt points out that Darwinist Eugenie Scott, like atheists commonly, makes a circular argument claiming that only material explanations are "allowed" in science (including for origins), and then claiming that science proves that only material causes exist. Bob points out the inherent contradiction in Scott attempting to use logic, which is NOT MATERIAL, to argue for methodological materialism, which rejects the validity of anything not material. (Bob has debated Eugenie Scott, and for the 10-year anniversary of that program, RSF Exhumed Eugenie and replayed that debate in which she claimed explicitly that all non-coding regions of DNA were affirmatively known to be useless, that further research would not show otherwise, and so that Junk DNA was the best evidence for Darwinism.

* Investigating the Claimed Materialistic Origin of the Cell: While taking the audience on a tour inside a living cell and discussing its extraordinary complexity, Dr. Witt recommends the book, The Signature in the Cell, by Stephen Meyer, to investigate the naturalistic origin of life claims. Cell animation, as in this narrated YouTube video, is helping the general public become aware of the intensive cooperation of thousands of complex machines within each cell:

* The Applied Science of Medicine Is Doubting Darwin: Dembski and Witt report on a poll of U.S. medical doctors by the Finkelstein Institute that found that:
- Jewish doctors: 32% reject Darwinism
- Atheist doctors: 2% reject Darwinism
- Muslim doctors: 86% reject Darwinism
- Buddhist doctors: 43% reject Darwin (compared to 36% who accept it)
- Hindu doctors: 54% reject Darwinism
- Catholic doctors: 78% reject Darwinism
- Protestant doctors: 81% reject Darwinism (largest group of U.S. MDs)
- Other doctors: 54% reject Darwinism
- Of All Medical Doctors: 60% believe that intelligent design plays a role in the origin of humans.

Stephen Hawking Flashbacks

* Hawking's Circular Reasoning Exposed on Origins: Hawking says that the matter of the universe came from energy borrowed from the gravitational energy of the universe, to which Real Science Friday asks, "What universe?" If you're explaining the origin of the universe, you cannot appeal to the universe itself. And Hawking claims that the laws of physics produced the universe even though 1) Big Bang cosmology claims that those laws did not exist prior to the Big Bang and 2) laws can't do anything. For example, the law of the conservation of angular momentum doesn't make anything and doesn't start anything moving. Newton's laws of motion don't make billiard balls move on a table but rather, they explain movements that occur.

* Go to the Moon to Avoid Global Warming: First, end-of-the-world doomsday prophet atheist astrophysicist Stephen Hawking wants mankind to respond to the problems of global warming by colonizing the Moon or Mars evidently forgetting that the Moon's daytime temperature is over 200 degrees (107 C) and that neither location has liquid water or oxygen. The Sun is Earth's source of global warming, and because Mars is 50 million miles further from our Sun, its temperature ranges from 1 degree F down to 178 below! So mankind should flee from a temporary one degree fluctuation in the Earth's temperature into about 200 degrees, above and below zero, and say good-bye to liquid water and oxygen. And if global warming is so threatening to mankind, why does Hawking overlook the more logical safe havens of Antarctica, Greenland and Siberia?

* Hawkings: The Aliens Will Be Mean: Stephen Hawking is urging mankind: "Don't talk to the aliens!" Why not? They may be mean! (Like on Star Trek, no?)

Today’s Resource: Get the fabulous Spike Psarris DVD What You Aren't Being Told About Astronomy! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You’ll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez’ Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media’s Unlocking the Mystery of Life (clip)! You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI’s tremendous Creation magazine!
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The Barbarian

Hmmm... something fishy is going on here...

The responses were analyzed according to religious affiliation.

When asked whether they agree more with intelligent design or evolution, 88 percent of Jewish doctors and 60 percent of Roman Catholic physicians said they agree more with evolution, while 54 percent of Protestant doctors agreed more with intelligent design.

When asked whether intelligent design has legitimacy as science, 83 percent of Jewish doctors and 51 percent of Catholic doctors said they believe intelligent design is simply "a religiously inspired pseudo-science rather than a legitimate scientific speculation." But 63 percent of Protestant doctors said intelligent design is a "legitimate scientific speculation."

The study was conducted by the Louis Finkelstein Institute for Social and Religious Research at The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City and HCD Research in Flemington, N.J.


Doctors are much more likely to accept evolution than the average American. But that's not surprising; they know more about biology than the average American.

Frayed Knot

New member
So how did Pastor Bob get from "60 percent of Roman Catholic physicians said they agree more with evolution" to "Catholic doctors: 78% reject Darwinism"? And the same for the other groups?

The Barbarian

I haven't seen the survey, so it's possible that they contrasted the original Darwinian theory with the Modern Synthesis, including Darwin's discoveries and genetics.

Hard to say. But it's clear that something is very wrong.

Frayed Knot

New member
Well, if that's the case, then Pastor Bob could say "100% of biologists reject Darwinism!"

Because you couldn't find a single modern biologist who accepts everything that Darwin speculated on.