RSF: Human & Dino Footprints are Real
This is the show from Friday March 25th, 2011.
* Lengthy Dinosaur and Human Footprint Trails: Real Science Friday host Bob Enyart concludes that the leading biblical creation ministries should once again acknowledge the validity of the contemporaneous human and dinosaur footprint fossils. The scientist who debunked the claimed 2010 sighting of Noah's Ark, Dr. Don Patton, talks to Bob Enyart about his work excavating the longest dinosaur footprint tracks in North America, and about the human foot prints in and around those dinosaur prints! See the footprints at
* Dr. Patton Helped Excavate the Pool of Siloam: This geologist and archaeological excavator has worked professionally in more than a dozen countries and helped excavate the historically and biblically important Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem (which discovery tied into a major debate that Bob Enyart was involved in at the time).
Today’s Resource: Get a science DVD, book, or written, audio or video debate from us and this will help BEL continue to reach people with our Real Science Friday broadcasts! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Or to order call BEL at 1-800-8Enyart.
* Special Editions of Real Science Friday:
- BEL's famous List of Not-So-Old Things
- Bob's debate with Christian Darwinist British author James Hannam
- PZ Myers blogs against Real Science Friday so we hit back with the PZ Trochlea Challenge
- Waiting for Darwin's Other Shoe: Science mag cover: Darwin Was Wrong on the Tree of Life
- Microbiologist in Studio: Creation Research Society Quarterly editor on new genetic findings
- Caterpillar Kills Atheism: describe how a bug could evolve to liquefy itself and then build itself into a flying creature
- And see the RSF Offer of $2,000 to get 16 letters of the alphabet in their correct places; $500 paid in 1998; $1,500 in 2010...
For our RSF Friends: in case you miss other BEL programs, here are some of the atheists Bob Enyart has debated:
- ABC's Reginald Finley, called The Infidel Guy, from ABC's Wife Swap program; 3-26-07;
- TheologyOnLine's psychologist Zakath in a 10-round moderated written online debate, also available in soft cover;
- John Henderson who wrote the book 6-15-2006;
- Leading anti-creationist Eugenie Scott of the Nat'l Center for Science Education, exhumed 5-6-05;
- Michael Shermer, an editor with Scientific American and the Skeptic Society who in this famous 73-second excerpt on BEL denied that the sun is a light, illustrating that it's tough debating atheists when they're hesitant to admit to even the most obvious common ground. 8-28-03
This is the show from Friday March 25th, 2011.
* Lengthy Dinosaur and Human Footprint Trails: Real Science Friday host Bob Enyart concludes that the leading biblical creation ministries should once again acknowledge the validity of the contemporaneous human and dinosaur footprint fossils. The scientist who debunked the claimed 2010 sighting of Noah's Ark, Dr. Don Patton, talks to Bob Enyart about his work excavating the longest dinosaur footprint tracks in North America, and about the human foot prints in and around those dinosaur prints! See the footprints at
* Dr. Patton Helped Excavate the Pool of Siloam: This geologist and archaeological excavator has worked professionally in more than a dozen countries and helped excavate the historically and biblically important Pool of Siloam in Jerusalem (which discovery tied into a major debate that Bob Enyart was involved in at the time).
Today’s Resource: Get a science DVD, book, or written, audio or video debate from us and this will help BEL continue to reach people with our Real Science Friday broadcasts! Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Or to order call BEL at 1-800-8Enyart.
* Special Editions of Real Science Friday:
- BEL's famous List of Not-So-Old Things
- Bob's debate with Christian Darwinist British author James Hannam
- PZ Myers blogs against Real Science Friday so we hit back with the PZ Trochlea Challenge
- Waiting for Darwin's Other Shoe: Science mag cover: Darwin Was Wrong on the Tree of Life
- Microbiologist in Studio: Creation Research Society Quarterly editor on new genetic findings
- Caterpillar Kills Atheism: describe how a bug could evolve to liquefy itself and then build itself into a flying creature
- And see the RSF Offer of $2,000 to get 16 letters of the alphabet in their correct places; $500 paid in 1998; $1,500 in 2010...
For our RSF Friends: in case you miss other BEL programs, here are some of the atheists Bob Enyart has debated:
- ABC's Reginald Finley, called The Infidel Guy, from ABC's Wife Swap program; 3-26-07;
- TheologyOnLine's psychologist Zakath in a 10-round moderated written online debate, also available in soft cover;
- John Henderson who wrote the book 6-15-2006;
- Leading anti-creationist Eugenie Scott of the Nat'l Center for Science Education, exhumed 5-6-05;
- Michael Shermer, an editor with Scientific American and the Skeptic Society who in this famous 73-second excerpt on BEL denied that the sun is a light, illustrating that it's tough debating atheists when they're hesitant to admit to even the most obvious common ground. 8-28-03