Real Science Friday: Hot Topic - Global Warming

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RSF: Hot Topic - Global Warming

This is the show from Friday November 13th, 2009.


* Join the Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship Tonight: Hear Louis DeGrave’s compelling talk this evening, 7pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. For over 10 years Louis has delighted audiences of all ages across the Front Range area with captivating, humorous, and moving presentations on a wide range of topics such as Creation vs Evolution, Money, Biblical characters today, Proverbs today, and many more.

* Lou's talk, Global Warming, Fact or Fiction: isn't a typical RMCF subject. However, God is not only in control of creation but also of the climate. In one hour you can learn more about Global Warming than many representatives in Washington, (who are about to spend $1 trillion dollars)! Yes, polar bears, melting ice, and the “hockey stick” will be addressed, but there will be much, much more. It’s a fast moving, easy to understand presentation with over 100 slides- many pictures, and is excellent for students of all ages!

* Help Personhood Efforts Get Signatures: If you live in Colorado, could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & CRTL 2010 petition? We need your help! If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?

Today’s Resource: You can enjoy one or two of Bob Enyart’s entertaining and insightful videos each month, mailed to you automatically, simply by subscribing to the BEL Monthly Topical Videos service! Also, you can check out the other great BEL subscription services.
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