RSF: Good Little Rat, Bad Little Bat
This is the show from Friday, May 11th 2012.
* Discover Magazine Thinks Mutated Finger Is A Big Step Twoard Flight: Real Science Friday co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams get a kick out of Discover Magazine claiming that a mouse with mutated fingers, "may have instigated the evolution of mammalian flight." But first, one of the many problems that evolutionists have, which Discover admits in their article, is this: "The fossil records show a sudden appearance of mammals [i.e., bats, which are] nearly identical to modern bats about 50 million years ago—with no transitional forms." (And with all the variation that exists among modern bats, they could have just dropped the word "nearly" from their description of Darwin's problem.)
* Evolutionists Span Logical Impossibility with Imagination: Regarding the alleged evolution of flight, which evolutionists somehow imagine their way across, creationists point out that you'd get bad legs long before you got good wings. Yet, notwithstanding our rejection of Darwin, by the end of today's program, Fred's already long fingers evolved to grow ever-so-slightly longer, and all it took was the most gentle breeze coming through the studio, and wouldn't you know it! Fred started to take flight.
* Vultures, Scavangers, Dobzhansky, and the Dead Sea: From the Spring 2012 edition of Answers magazine Bob and Fred talk about vultures, scavanagers, bacteria in an unexpected place, and Theodosius Dobzhansky's objection to God creating niche creatures. And the guys correct Wikipedia and explain why vultures, with "prey" that does not move, need (and have) really great eyesight! And by the way, how would eyesight evolve? (Bob's reading a book right now that claims to answer that question! We'll see
* European Scientists to Build a Human Brain... Sort Of: Because these scientists don't have a Christian worldview, they think that matter and energy is all there is. So without a major paradigm shift, their research will be impeded even more so than the evolutionary assumption about Junk DNA which severely retarded the entire field of genetics. So RSF has contacted a neuroscientists for a possible future program on the spiritual brain.
Today’s Resource: Get the greatest cell biology video ever made! (By buying it here, you'll also help keep Real Science Friday on the air, and you'll get Dr. Don Johnson's book as a bonus!) Learn how the common world view of life's origin, chemical evolution, conflicts with our knowledge of Information Science. Finally, information Science is changing the way millions of people think about all living systems! For after all, most fundamentally, rather than being carbon based, life in information based! (And have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? You just might LOVE IT!!)
This is the show from Friday, May 11th 2012.
* Discover Magazine Thinks Mutated Finger Is A Big Step Twoard Flight: Real Science Friday co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams get a kick out of Discover Magazine claiming that a mouse with mutated fingers, "may have instigated the evolution of mammalian flight." But first, one of the many problems that evolutionists have, which Discover admits in their article, is this: "The fossil records show a sudden appearance of mammals [i.e., bats, which are] nearly identical to modern bats about 50 million years ago—with no transitional forms." (And with all the variation that exists among modern bats, they could have just dropped the word "nearly" from their description of Darwin's problem.)
* Evolutionists Span Logical Impossibility with Imagination: Regarding the alleged evolution of flight, which evolutionists somehow imagine their way across, creationists point out that you'd get bad legs long before you got good wings. Yet, notwithstanding our rejection of Darwin, by the end of today's program, Fred's already long fingers evolved to grow ever-so-slightly longer, and all it took was the most gentle breeze coming through the studio, and wouldn't you know it! Fred started to take flight.
* Vultures, Scavangers, Dobzhansky, and the Dead Sea: From the Spring 2012 edition of Answers magazine Bob and Fred talk about vultures, scavanagers, bacteria in an unexpected place, and Theodosius Dobzhansky's objection to God creating niche creatures. And the guys correct Wikipedia and explain why vultures, with "prey" that does not move, need (and have) really great eyesight! And by the way, how would eyesight evolve? (Bob's reading a book right now that claims to answer that question! We'll see
* European Scientists to Build a Human Brain... Sort Of: Because these scientists don't have a Christian worldview, they think that matter and energy is all there is. So without a major paradigm shift, their research will be impeded even more so than the evolutionary assumption about Junk DNA which severely retarded the entire field of genetics. So RSF has contacted a neuroscientists for a possible future program on the spiritual brain.
Today’s Resource: Get the greatest cell biology video ever made! (By buying it here, you'll also help keep Real Science Friday on the air, and you'll get Dr. Don Johnson's book as a bonus!) Learn how the common world view of life's origin, chemical evolution, conflicts with our knowledge of Information Science. Finally, information Science is changing the way millions of people think about all living systems! For after all, most fundamentally, rather than being carbon based, life in information based! (And have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? You just might LOVE IT!!)