Real Science Friday CRSQ (Vol 43, Num 2)
This is the show for Friday December 1st 2006.
* Finding C-14 EVERYWHERE: Bob Enyart and Creation Research Society webmaster Fred Williams (of discuss the current issue of CRSQ, a technical creation/evolution journal. Anything millions of years old should have NO Carbon-14, but scientists are consistently finding C-14 in coal, dinosaurs, fossilized wood, diamond, amber, methane gas, coal, etc., etc., etc. Because such results appear everywhere, they can no longer be called anomalies, but now, it is expected that organic specimens supposedly millions of years old yield maximum C-14 ages of only thousands of years!
Today's Resources: Enjoy the BEL Science Pack and get a free subscription to Creation Research Society Quarterly! With the Science Pack you can watch tremendous documentaries, listen to Bob's Genesis Creation study album, read the best book on creation/evolution ever written, and hear a debate on the Age of the Earth! And then enjoy the extraordinary articles in CRSQ!
This is the show for Friday December 1st 2006.
SUMMARY:Bob Enyart: We offered the curator of a major museum $23, carbon-14 date a little tiny specimen of a dinosaur. And they are utterly refusing. They will not do it. That would give them $20,000 toward the museum and $3000 for the cost of preparing the test and all.
Fred Williams: It shows how much they'll defend their faith in this religion of evolution.
* Finding C-14 EVERYWHERE: Bob Enyart and Creation Research Society webmaster Fred Williams (of discuss the current issue of CRSQ, a technical creation/evolution journal. Anything millions of years old should have NO Carbon-14, but scientists are consistently finding C-14 in coal, dinosaurs, fossilized wood, diamond, amber, methane gas, coal, etc., etc., etc. Because such results appear everywhere, they can no longer be called anomalies, but now, it is expected that organic specimens supposedly millions of years old yield maximum C-14 ages of only thousands of years!
Today's Resources: Enjoy the BEL Science Pack and get a free subscription to Creation Research Society Quarterly! With the Science Pack you can watch tremendous documentaries, listen to Bob's Genesis Creation study album, read the best book on creation/evolution ever written, and hear a debate on the Age of the Earth! And then enjoy the extraordinary articles in CRSQ!
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