Real Science Friday: CRSQ March 2006
Thursday June 8th, 2006. This is show # 114.
* Bob calls a Chicago judge's chambers, Judge Vincent M. Gaughan, 773 869-3190, to cricitize his ruling to show a child molestation video in full view of the public and the media, further victimizing the poor girl. Please call to ask Judge Gaughan (gaw-gen) to reconsider his ruling.
* Creation Research Society webmaster Fred Williams (of talks with Bob describing the scientific articles in the CRS Quarterly journal.
Today's Resource: If you order anything or donate to BEL during this month of June, you can request a gift subscription to the CRS Quarterly scientific journal! For example, you can order this two-hour moderated Age of the Earth Debate on whether we live on a young or old earth on this MP3 CD! Order online, call 800-8Enyart, or send $24.95 to Bob Enyart Live, PO Box 583, Arvada CO 80001.
Thursday June 8th, 2006. This is show # 114.
Summary:There's this European mineralogist, a professional mineralogist, Dr. Marie Claire Van Oosterwyck...and she was involved in many interdisciplinary trips to Africa with scientists and she said, "We went thinking we were going to find evidence for the emergence of man from apes." She said, "Well, that was a complete failure. On the other hand, there was overwhelming evidence that a massive flood carved the whole surface of Africa."
And she said that was interesting and then she pointed out that these bad dates that they get when they do potassium argon on something from Mt. St. Hellen's or Hawaii and they say they're millions or billions of years old when they're not - she said when they date the fossils that they take out of Africa and the sediments (the layers the fossils are in) she said the same kind of problem is involved with those dates as we get from these known bogus dates. Therefore, the dates given (that they're so many millions of years old) are simply false. They're wrong. We shouldn't use them.
And she offered to demonstrate her case by laboratory experiments showing we can falsify this dating technique. And not only was she refused to work out the experiments she proposed, but then she was required to turn in her lab key. And that shows the bias and prejudice of the atheists against those who, with hard data, say, "Look, this stuff is not working and we think we know why."
* Bob calls a Chicago judge's chambers, Judge Vincent M. Gaughan, 773 869-3190, to cricitize his ruling to show a child molestation video in full view of the public and the media, further victimizing the poor girl. Please call to ask Judge Gaughan (gaw-gen) to reconsider his ruling.
* Creation Research Society webmaster Fred Williams (of talks with Bob describing the scientific articles in the CRS Quarterly journal.
Today's Resource: If you order anything or donate to BEL during this month of June, you can request a gift subscription to the CRS Quarterly scientific journal! For example, you can order this two-hour moderated Age of the Earth Debate on whether we live on a young or old earth on this MP3 CD! Order online, call 800-8Enyart, or send $24.95 to Bob Enyart Live, PO Box 583, Arvada CO 80001.