Real Science Friday: CRSQ Dec. 2006 Pt 2

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Real Science Friday: CRSQ Dec. 2006 Pt 2

This is the show from Friday March 30th, 2007.


* Fred Williams: webmaster for Creation Research Society co-hosts Real Science Friday with Bob Enyart and today they conclude discussion about Volume 43 of the December 2006 CRS Quarterly, the prestigious peer-reviewed science journal. Fred's personal website,, is a fabulous site and includes a creation show that even your kids will enjoy! You can invite Fred to speak to your group, school, or church by emailing him at!

* Baraminology: What do they call an animal bred from a lion and a tiger? How about from a camel and a llama? How about a hyena and a... Listen to the show to hear why living creatures can be classified into species, genus, family, etc. If evolution were true, creatures across the animal kingdom should blend together without such extraordinary discontinuity throughout!

* No Death Before the Fall: Progressive creationists like Hugh Ross and his Reasons to Believe organization err when they contradict the Bible by teaching that there was death prior to the fall of Adam and Eve. In defending that belief, Ross actually wrote that plants, when they were eaten prior to the fall, "experience[d] bleeding, bruising, scarring, and death" (Ross, 2004, p. 102). Scripture, however, indicates that animals have souls, not plants, and so plants cannot "experience" anything, since they have no awareness, which is a non-physical capability. See also the KGOV Show Summary for Pain is NOT Physical.

* Review of Ann Coulter's Godless: Duane Gish and Fred Williams both give Ann Coulter a positive review for her book Godless: The Church of Liberalism. The book has a fun section exposing evolution fallacies. Fred reminds the audience that Bob interviewed Ann about this book. (In that interview, Bob presented Coulter with examples of her giving a pass to similarly godless Republicans. For example, Coulter refers to liberals who brag that convicted murderer Willie Horton did not kill anyone else until his tenth furlough, and Bob compared this to conservative praise for Texas Supreme Court Justice Priscilla Owen, who did not kill any of the first nine Baby Doe children to come before the Texas Court for a judicial bypass abortion, but Owen did vote to kill Baby Ten.)

* Charles Darwin's Faulty Scholarship: This review of Charles Darwin's fraud, unethical, embarrassing and sloppy work indicates that "the high level of trust still put in Darwin's work is misplaced."

* CALL INTO Real Science Friday: next week, April 6th, live at 5 p.m. E.T. to make a comment or ask a question of Bob and Fred! Or, you can email your question (please include your first name, city, and phone number) to!

Today's Resource: If you order within one-week from today's show, BEL will give you a gift subscription to Creation Research Society Quarterly as a thank you if you purchase either the BEL Science Pack, or subscribe to the BEL Televised Classics, Sermons, BEL Topical Videos, or Bible Albums! If you call us at 800-8Enyart, just ask for the CRSQ subscription, and if you order online, just type your subscription request in the notes field during Check Out.


New member
I'm no expert, but I'll give my input. I believe a soul is the part of us which makes us self-aware and conscious.


New member
Every living organism has some amount of awareness. Even plants have some awareness, although it is not to the degree of a human. But then again, animals' awareness isn't to the same degree as humans, yet supposedly they have a soul.

I have heard other Christians say stuff like, "the person has three parts: body, soul and spirit." where soul = embodied spirit. I use the term "soul" as referring to that spirit, embodied or not is circumstantial. "Spirit" is just the general classification or substance of the soul. For example, soul is to spirit and body is to matter. The relationship between the individual and the substance of which the individual consists. God is also spirit, but He is the Supreme Spirit.

Also, if animals have souls, can they be saved? If not, why not?


New member
Plants are not aware. Humans and animals are both aware. Check your facts again.

To answer your last question. God made man in His image, so He gave humans spirits, but not animals. As far as my understanding goes, spirits are what give human beings their eternal aspect. Whereas animals just have souls, so they are not eternal.


New member
checking facts....

Yep, plants are aware. But as I said before, not as aware as humans.

Actually, if it lives, it does not HAVE a spirit/soul... it IS a spirit/soul. One does not have self, one is self. Self has body - torso, arms, legs, head, etc. - not the other way around.


New member
Also... if an animal has a "soul" but not a "spirit" then I guess you don't define soul as per the Bible when it says God breathed the spirit of life into man and he became a living soul. That is, unless you can show elsewhere in the Bible that states animals have "souls" not as a result of God breathing spirit into them.


New member
I'll try to make this simpler.

Animal = Body and Soul
Human = Body, Soul and Spirit

The Bible mentions both humans and animals as having souls. But it only mentions humans as having spirits.


New member
I know what you are saying, but the Bible says that the spirit entered man and he became a living soul.

So where does the Bible say that animals have souls not as a result of spirit entering them? Please provide verses.

Honestly, I suspect that you are just trying to find some explanation by your own reasoning and using terms that are probably not used consistently in any English translation of the Bible.
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