Real Science Friday: Best 10 Evidences from Answers Mag


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Best 10 Evidences from Answers Mag

This is the show from Friday, October 12th, 2012.


RSF Celebrates AiG's Evidence for a Young Earth
: Real Science Friday co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams celebrate the scientific evidence presented in the current issue of Answers Magazine, a high-quality quarterly publication from Answers in Genesis. Many of the most universal scientific observations, both on Earth and in space, refute old earth claims whereas the Bible declares God's creation of the Earth and the universe only thousands of years ago. AiG, founded by Ken Ham, one of the world's leading creationists, describes the billions of years of missing seafloor sediment and saltiness in the oceans, the bent rock layers, soft tissue in fossils, the faint sun paradox, the rapidly weakening magnetic field, helium in zircons, carbon-14 in diamonds and fossils, short-lived comets, and DNA in ancient bacteria.

* Climbing the Charts: Casey Kasem would be proud! Two months ago the RSF guys launched, and for weeks a Google search for: young earth, did not list our site even within its first 100 results. Then the site started climbing the page rankings, appearing on page three, then two! Now, as of today's program, for a search of: young earth, Google ranks our site on page one. And we hope to continue our climb, gradually moving up toward the #1 highest-ranked young earth page on the entire Internet! Please link to us.

For today's show Real Science Friday recommends
Dr. Carl Werner's DVDs, Living Fossils
its prequel Evolution, the Grand Experiment!

Today’s Resource: Get the fabulous Carl Werner DVD Living Fossils and his great prequel, Evolution: The Grand Experiment! And have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown’s In the Beginning and Bob’s interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! Also, you can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart’s Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; and to give as a Christmas or birthday gift, the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins!


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This topic has already been covered thoroughly in this thread:

Hot off the Presses – 10 Best evidences of a Young Earth

Every one of AiG's 10 alleged "evidences" for a young earth has been completely debunked. Are these really the best claims AiG has to offer for YEC?
This isn't just a new topic; this is a thread to discuss, specifically, the episode of Bob Enyart Live [the radio show] that covered the topic.