Real Science Friday: Anti-Creationist AronRa YouTube Star


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Anti-Creationist AronRa YouTube Star

This is the show from Friday, November 11th, 2011.


* Bob Enyart Interviews AronRa: Beginning with the 1st Foundational Falsehood video, Bob has a conversation with one of the web's leading anti-creationists, AronRa.

* Hollywood Finally Gets Scopes Trial Right: Enjoy this feature film about the Scopes Monkey Trial starring Brian Dennehy (Rambo), Fred Thompson (Law & Order), Colm Meany (Star Trek), Ashley Johnson (The Help), Nathan West and Khori Faison, this great movie Alleged, due out on DVD on Tuesday, Nov. 8th (at Walmarts nationwide) is accurate to the history and trial transcript of the Scopes Monkey Trial, unlike Hollywood's previous Inherit the Wind attempt. Order your copy today. Alleged is available from Amazon or pick it up from your local Walmart or order it online at Walmart DVD or Walmart Blu-ray. Enjoy!

Today's Resource: If you enjoy the science you hear about on our fast-paced RSF radio shows, you'll really love the books, audio, and DVD science materials in our online store's Science Department! And this DVD, Living Fossils, by Dr. Carl Werner, is absolutely stunning! You owe it to yourself, and your loved ones, to watch this DVD! Whether a shark, leaf, or crab, living fossils are a challenge for evolutionary theorists and create a fascinating debate among scholars. Do they indicate a younger earth than thought, placing the millions of years timeline of evolution in question? Or do they represent a deep mystery?


New member
Hall of Fame
Ah, so we can still see Bryant strut and chest-thump like the pompous blowhard he was, but more accurately. Well, fair enough.


New member
Hall of Fame
AronRa. A leading "anti-creationist." On the web. Uh-huuuuuuuuuuh. And who here has heard of him before this thread?


New member
AronRa. A leading "anti-creationist." On the web. Uh-huuuuuuuuuuh. And who here has heard of him before this thread?
Me, and Bob Enyart is going to get schooled. Aron-Ra has a webseries called "Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism" on youtube and it is extremely educational and completely destroys it and parodies it.


New member
AronRa. A leading "anti-creationist." On the web. Uh-huuuuuuuuuuh. And who here has heard of him before this thread?

I've watched a few of his videos. They're actually pretty well done. However, I've never heard of him, or anyone else for that matter, referred to as a "leading anti-creationist". It's a term equally silly to "leading creation scientist". Both made up by creationists.

The Barbarian

("AronRa" is touted as one of the "web's leading anti-creationists" because of his YouTube videos)

Barbarian chuckles:
And everyone knows, the best source for science is on YouTube.

some other dude checks to see who's made that claim...

The OP.

AronRa might be a prominent YouTube user, but if you want top "anti-creationists", you'll have to look in sites with a little more weight scientifically.

BTW, he is apparently not even one of the top YouTubers...


New member
AronRa. A leading "anti-creationist." On the web. Uh-huuuuuuuuuuh. And who here has heard of him before this thread?

I had - he's been featured on Pharyngula before. Seems like a smart guy, but the first part of the KGOV interview was a slow start as both AronRa and BE were being cautious. Maybe things will pick up in the next segment.


Barbarian chuckles:
And everyone knows, the best source for science is on YouTube.

some other dude checks to see who's made that claim...

Barbarian chuckles: The OP.

Where. I didn't see that claim anywhere in the OP.

some other dude

New member
("AronRa" is touted as one of the "web's leading anti-creationists" because of his YouTube videos)

Barbarian chuckles:
And everyone knows, the best source for science is on YouTube.

The OP.

some other dude checks to see if the OP states that "the best source for science is on YouTube".

Nope, don't see it there.

The Barbarian

Correction, he was claimed to be one of the web's leading anti-creationists, being a "YouTube Star" (and his contributions are almost exclusively on YouTube)

Mo bettah? But the web is a lot more than YouTube, and you can find much more knowledgeable and capable scientists without YouTube videos.

Among those with some real academic and scientific weight would be:
Joe Meert (Geology and radioisotope dating)
Kenneth Miller (Biology)
Glenn Morton (Geology)
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Correction, he was claimed to be one of the web's leading anti-creationists (and his contributions are almost exclusively on YouTube)

Mo bettah? But the web is a lot more than YouTube, and you can find much more knowledgeable and capable science than YouTube videos.

A correction? Did hell freeze over?


Where else can you find free science videos that doesn't require special software to download?