An Animator's Perspective on Creationism
This is the show from Friday, November 30th, 2012.
* Computer Animator Eric Donovan on RSF: Mr. Donovan, who's previous animation work helped keep the public safe from nuclear waste, shares with Real Science Friday the insights that arise from the technology when animating the tectonic implications of the global flood.
* UPDATE on NPR Program's Lawsuit Against RSF: As reported by the NY Post in their article, Science radio showdown, National Public Radio host Ira Flatow of their Science Friday program filed suit in the State of New York against Bob Enyart, et al., over the name of our weekly program, Real Science Friday. This week the attorney for RSF filed papers in a Manhattan court and successfully moved the case out of state court and into federal court, which is a more natural venue for our free speech defense. We'll keep you informed! And meanwhile, check out, from a well-known evolutionist, Jerry Coyne's scientific criticism of RSF (and our rebuttal). University of Chicago Professor Coyne's scientific allegation against RSF has already been refuted, not by research done here at Real Science Friday, but by published work from cutting-edge evolutionary geneticists at some of the world's leading institutions.
* Animator's Interest in the Hydroplate Theory: The Hydroplate Theory that Donovan has investigated addresses many observations from the physical sciences, including explaining:
- that the continents do not fit together well against each other, as presented in the Pangaea hypothesis, unless you shrink Africa by 30%, and make other dramatic manipulations.
- that the jigsaw shape of the continents does fit well against the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- what formed the 46,000-mile long Mid-oceanic Ridge.
- that the Atlantic Ocean is relatively shallow, whereas the Pacific is relatively deep.
- what formed the deep Pacific trenches including the 36-thousand foot-deep Marianas Trench.
- that the fountains of the great deep launched the solar system's asteroids and comets.
- that Mars is not the source of Antarctica meteorites, but they were launched from Earth.
- that the debris launched from the Earth beat up the moon, which helps to explain why the near-side has suffered much greater impactors.
- that NASA discovered the earth-like composition of comets, fulfilling Dr. Walt Brown's published prediction that they would find one of the most common minerals from Earth, olivine.
* Today's Lesson in the Two-Step:
First Step: Bob says on today's program that, "The secular geologists are disagreeing more and more today with the accepted dogma that the Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon."
Second Step: A local attorney emails to Bob a link to yesterday's Washington Post story about evolutionary geologists who are rejecting the claim that the Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon.
Today's Resource: You can enjoy the 6-disc standard audio CD set The Hydroplate Theory & Dr. Walt Brown on the Air or get the entire set on a single MP3 CD. Bob Enyart also highly recommends Dr. Walt Brown's fabulous book, In the Beginning! Order by clicking the link, or calling us at 800-8Enyart (800 836-9278)!
This is the show from Friday, November 30th, 2012.
* Computer Animator Eric Donovan on RSF: Mr. Donovan, who's previous animation work helped keep the public safe from nuclear waste, shares with Real Science Friday the insights that arise from the technology when animating the tectonic implications of the global flood.
* UPDATE on NPR Program's Lawsuit Against RSF: As reported by the NY Post in their article, Science radio showdown, National Public Radio host Ira Flatow of their Science Friday program filed suit in the State of New York against Bob Enyart, et al., over the name of our weekly program, Real Science Friday. This week the attorney for RSF filed papers in a Manhattan court and successfully moved the case out of state court and into federal court, which is a more natural venue for our free speech defense. We'll keep you informed! And meanwhile, check out, from a well-known evolutionist, Jerry Coyne's scientific criticism of RSF (and our rebuttal). University of Chicago Professor Coyne's scientific allegation against RSF has already been refuted, not by research done here at Real Science Friday, but by published work from cutting-edge evolutionary geneticists at some of the world's leading institutions.
* Animator's Interest in the Hydroplate Theory: The Hydroplate Theory that Donovan has investigated addresses many observations from the physical sciences, including explaining:
- that the continents do not fit together well against each other, as presented in the Pangaea hypothesis, unless you shrink Africa by 30%, and make other dramatic manipulations.
- that the jigsaw shape of the continents does fit well against the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- what formed the 46,000-mile long Mid-oceanic Ridge.
- that the Atlantic Ocean is relatively shallow, whereas the Pacific is relatively deep.
- what formed the deep Pacific trenches including the 36-thousand foot-deep Marianas Trench.
- that the fountains of the great deep launched the solar system's asteroids and comets.
- that Mars is not the source of Antarctica meteorites, but they were launched from Earth.
- that the debris launched from the Earth beat up the moon, which helps to explain why the near-side has suffered much greater impactors.
- that NASA discovered the earth-like composition of comets, fulfilling Dr. Walt Brown's published prediction that they would find one of the most common minerals from Earth, olivine.
* Today's Lesson in the Two-Step:
First Step: Bob says on today's program that, "The secular geologists are disagreeing more and more today with the accepted dogma that the Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon."
Second Step: A local attorney emails to Bob a link to yesterday's Washington Post story about evolutionary geologists who are rejecting the claim that the Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon.
Today's Resource: You can enjoy the 6-disc standard audio CD set The Hydroplate Theory & Dr. Walt Brown on the Air or get the entire set on a single MP3 CD. Bob Enyart also highly recommends Dr. Walt Brown's fabulous book, In the Beginning! Order by clicking the link, or calling us at 800-8Enyart (800 836-9278)!