Real Science Friday: 10 Universities & Institutes Confirm Dino Tissue


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RSF: 10 Universities & Institutes Confirm Dino Tissue

This is the show from Friday October 28th, 2011.


* Dino Soft Tissue Confirmed, Racist Darwinists, Alleged Scopes Trial, & the Arks: Ten universities and institutes have confirmed that a "soft tissue" find is indeed original dinosaur protein! Combined with the research on Egyptian mummies that established 10,000 years as an upper limit for how long such biological molecules could survive, this is another reason why creationists refer to dinosaurs as missionary lizards. RSF co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams also discuss the widespread Darwinist racism that led evolutionist to exhibit native peoples in zoos while Christians fought to defend these people and treat them with dignity. The guys also talk about the new movie to hit Walmart's shelves on November 8th titled Alleged, about the Scopes Monkey Trial, and they describe Noah's arks. Yes, arks. Plural :)

* And Now, Johann Huiber's FULL SIZE Ark...)


* And This Is Huibers’ SMALL :) Ark...

Today's Resource: If you enjoy the science you hear about on our fast-paced RSF radio shows, you'll really love the books, audio, and DVD science materials in our online store's Science Department! And this DVD, Living Fossils, by Dr. Carl Werner, is absolutely stunning! You owe it to yourself, and your loved ones, to watch this DVD! Whether a shark, leaf, or crab, living fossils are a challenge for evolutionary theorists and create a fascinating debate among scholars. Do they indicate a younger earth than thought, placing the millions of years timeline of evolution in question? Or do they represent a deep mystery?

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
The only thing is, I don't see why an adult behemoth (sauropod?), T-Rex, elephant, or giraffe would need to be on the ark. Juveniles would be easier to handle I think.