Rape Survivor: Do Not Let Hillary Clinton Take Away Your Right to Self-Defense

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Rape Survivor: Do Not Let Hillary Clinton Take Away Your Right to Self-Defense


In an NRA commercial focused on the importance of being able to defend yourself, rape survivor Kimberly Corban warns women not be tricked into allowing Hillary Clinton to take away their right to self-defense.

Kimberly Corban was “terrified” by the thought of owning a handgun until a man broke into her apartment at the University of Northern Colorado on May 12, 2006. She was defenseless. He held her for two hours and “sexually assaulted” her. She told Fox News that she lay there thinking, “This is how I’m going to die.” She said that lying there without a gun made her realize, “There was no way I could fight back.”

She emerged from that experience a proponent of concealed carry and the right to self-defense.

In her NRA ad, Corban said, “My fear of firearms disappeared when I got my second chance at life.” A female narrator then said, “Your right to own a gun for self-defense is at risk in this election. Hillary Clinton would take away your rights.”

Corban reappeared, saying, “Self-defense is your right. Don’t let it be taken away.”

Corban told Fox News that women need to be aware not only of the effort to take away guns, but also of the effort to limit where the Second Amendment can be exercised. She said the latter is part of the government’s promise to keep people safe, part of Hillary Clinton’s promise to keep people safe. However, she has learned firsthand that this is an empty promise.

“Now, we’re being told, ‘Trust Hillary. She is going to make sure that you are kept safe,'” said Corban. But reality, she asserted, teaches a completely different lesson. It teaches that the only person who can keep you safe is you, and having a firearm is part of doing that.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


But, but.. we have to teach men not to rape, remember? Because they are programmed to rape women and need to be told not to :rolleyes:

That is there subtly misandrist answer to rape, and instead of them being seen as man hating idiots, they are praised for it.
They are praised for being STUPID, and people wonder how it's a problem because they themselves are STUPID :chuckle:

The Horn

This is just the same old tired NRA propaganda. Hillary Clinton is an advocate of GUN CONTROL, not gun confiscation. The same as Obama and the entire Democratic party. This is NOT "gun confiscation", nor is it part of a sinister commie pinko plot to "disarm " America and turn it into another Soviet Union .
And by the way , the communists in Russia did not ban guns, which were not even an issue in Russia back then. They took over Russia through brute force, and individual Russian citizens with guns could never have stopped them from doing this.
Stricter laws for gun control in America will NOT lead to the confiscation of the guns of any law-abiding citizen who uses guns for non-violent purposes . They will only make it harder for deranged individuals to get hold of guns.
And just how many guns has the Obama administration confiscated so far, with only months left in the White House ? Zip. Nada. Zilch. Bupkis. No a single gun . It won't be any different with Hillary Clinton as president. Shut up, chicken littles ! The sky isn't falling !
But most of the GOP members of congress are in the pay of the NRA , and they know where their cash cow is coming from.


This is just the same old tired NRA propaganda. Hillary Clinton is an advocate of GUN CONTROL, not gun confiscation. The same as Obama and the entire Democratic party. This is NOT "gun confiscation", nor is it part of a sinister commie pinko plot to "disarm " America and turn it into another Soviet Union .

You know why all these other countries started out with 'gun control' and ended up with virtual gun confiscation?
It's because once you open the floodgates to that 'control', you end up with too much of it.

In the UK, a citizen cannot own a gun. It's just that simple, unless you join a 'club' or police authority. Their 'gun control' is confiscation without calling it 'confiscation', and it started with the same old garbage you are spewing right now.

You liberals are a deceitful bunch. It's not a conspiracy you fool- you're just a commie along with the rest of you all. The only reason capitalism even works is because those you're opposed to MAKE IT WORK :chuckle:

The Horn

Gun control laws have NEVER caused mass confiscation of guns anywhere ,nor have they ever led to a communist or fascist coup . You've been brainwashed by NRA propaganda. Fact- European countries ,Canada, Japan,Australia etc have much stricter gun control laws than America, and their rates death by gun violence do not come even remotely close to ours.


Don't let the lying pro Trump liberals fool you De Horn, their candidate was very much anti 2nd Amendment (until he stuck his finger up to test the political wind and decided that he wanted to be a republican this month).

I wonder how many of those rape victims, had they been able to purchase a gun without having to wait 3 days (or longer) wouldn't be rape victims now?

Donald Trump in 2000: “I Support the Ban on Assault Weapons”

Jan. 27, 2016

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has campaigned as an ardent advocate of expanding gun rights, but in the past he called for banning assault weapons and a longer waiting period for gun purchases.

Trump’s new gun plan calls for a national right to concealed carry and criticizes “opponents of gun rights” for coming “up with scary sounding phrases like ‘assault weapons,’ ‘military-style weapons,’ and ‘high capacity magazines’ to confuse people.” He has vowed to undo President Obama’s modest gun executive orders and even called for the elimination of all “gun-free zones” at schools.

This stands in contrast to what Trump used to advocate. In his book The America We Deserve, published in 2000, Trump took a much more moderate position, criticizing Democrats who argue for total gun confiscation but also Republicans who “walk the NRA line”:

It’s often argued that the American murder rate is high because guns are more available here than in other countries. Democrats want to confiscate all guns, which is a dumb idea because only the law-abiding citizens would turn in their guns and the bad guys would be the only ones left armed. The Republicans walk the NRA line and refuse even limited restrictions.

He concluded: “I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.”


Gun control laws have NEVER caused mass confiscation of guns anywhere ,nor have they ever led to a communist or fascist coup . You've been brainwashed by NRA propaganda. Fact- European countries ,Canada, Japan,Australia etc have much stricter gun control laws than America, and their rates death by gun violence do not come even remotely close to ours.

Cool story.

US: 112 guns per 100 people
UK: 6 guns per 100 people
