Radical White groups have been marching in protest of the destruction of national heritage sites.
Only if by "national heritage sites" you mean memorials to people who fought to maintain and expand a slave state. And only if by "radical" you mean those opposed to it, which is a bit thin as working definitions go.
They want to preserve the history of the white race.
So you're saying the monuments are to honor the white race? Otherwise, first, which part of it? Adolph Hitler's notion? There's a thriving element of that in those people. Or maybe just the Klans notion. They were ably represented as well. Or perhaps the comparatively benign notion of white supremacists selling the racist agenda of inherent superiority and separation. Do any of those things sound like the stuff of public monuments?
The Anti-Hate groups have been attacking heritage sites and the white protesters
That's not most of what I'm hearing. Anna has been relating testimonials of clergy who were present with a very different perspective.
The Anti-Hate groups want to eradicate from history people such as Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, for having Black servants
I've never heard that. I've heard Jefferson criticized for being a slave owner, Lincoln for having a few stupid racially related ideas and all of them for allowing the evil of slavery to be a part of our largely laudable notion and social experiment. I don't know many to my left who want them scrubbed form history. Have you any quotes and citations?
also any other person or things associated with the Confederacy.
Opposing monuments, memorials to the servants of a dehumanizing slave state isn't eliminating history. It's putting a better light on the understanding we've drawn from that cautionary tale.
President Trump was condemned for not immediately condemning the marchers who want to preserve White History.
A little more than that. He was criticized for the moral equivalency he managed to interject, which was inappropriate and unnecessary, for his robotic recitation of someone's cobbling to undo that impression before going right back into the error the next day. And he's being criticized for emboldening that racist element. Why? Read what they have to say about the president and his remarks and you'll understand.
News flash: White people are here to stay. Don't worry about history, there is more important things in life.
Additional news flash: a lot of the people complaining about the president are white. Heck, a lot of them are in his own party. And people who ignore history, who don't demonstrably learn from it, will in fact make themselves much more likely to repeat the errors made in it. Given the horrors some of those mistakes led to, there are actually few things in life more important.