Even you don't accept that Mt24A and Lk 21 are about the events of 66-72, what difference does that make in your system if you believe in a triumphant, golden, world-ruling Israel in the future?
I'm not sure that the future is all that triumphant given that Lk 21 with its time of 'wrath in fulfillment of all that is written' is in that future. That's sort of a superlative! But apparently you think so.
One problem I find with your above is that Luke 21 is spoken within Old Testament ground.
Further, at Pentecost; the Spirit declared unto Israel through Peter that Israel was in its' last days as Prophesied.
In other words, that also was still Old Testament ground, thus; not only their question in Acts 1:6; but His answer that it was not theirs to know the Father's times or seasons concerning such things.
Thus, their preaching to Israel that should the nation repent, things could then move forward - as Prophesied.
They were still on Old Testament ground; the writer of Hebrews noting that that Pentecost had been a foretaste of their world to come.
Thus, the offer in Acts 3, of said world to come, conditioned as it was...on Israel's repentence.
Did Israel repent?
Instead, things began to move towards the Lord's description in the latter half of Matthew 10, not only of what would take place instead of Israel's repentence; but before He would then step back into the picture to bring about that which was Prophesied.
All of that is Old Testament Ground.
Only a few of the seemingly countless many of Israel, having experienced only for a time, Israel's promised spiritual and material blessing; a foretaste of their world to come, which things the writer of Hebrews includes himself a part of.
Something happened that you, Interplanner, are simply unable to see due to your forty years in a perspective other than the obvious - said Old Testament Ground ending up, not giving way to the Kingdom the Law and the Prophets did say should come AFTER Israel's Prophesied wrath FIRST, only then followed AFTERWARDS by their equally Prophesied mercy.
Instead, we find an odd, new, unexpected but by God, an odd, one Apostle not only one too many to His already having hand picked the Twelve, one per Israelite Tribe, but an Apostle of their very oppressors - the Gentiles!
And this - BEFORE Israel's PROPHESIED Fulness!
Regrettably, you have solved for all that from within your forty year error.
There is no addressing you on these issues from the Scriptures.
You are no better off than those on TOL without all that financial expense you put yourself through.
Those who have arrived at much of your same off-base conclusions without your expense, given that the wisdom of men is ever the same, regardless of whether its name is Joe Average Joe, or Dr. Joe Average.
Post away, Interplanner.
Generate as many new threads as your heart desires.
Ask as many questions as you want.
Fact of the matter?
You don't really want to know this that has always been right in front of you all along.
You are too convinced the path you chose to your answers was...is...sound.
Reminds me of many of my old college professors.
Most of whom actually appeared to believe that the letters after their names, the obvious many books in their heads, and the acknowledgement of their own in same, meant they were actually learned in the things they spoke "about."
Then, again, thanks for the memory - boy did I used to give them hell :rotfl: