Detachment: not mountain formation, but detachment
Detachment: not mountain formation, but detachment
Ok, let's randomly pick the very first thing in your list [Heart Mountain Detachment.
Before I say anything, Bob, can you in your own words describe exactly how you think a 30 minute formation of this mountain proves the validity of the creationist claims?
pozzolane: it doesn't. This formation (by itself) doesn't come anywhere near proving creationist claims. That's not the point of that list. This is a catalog of events that evolutionists have previously indicated occurred over long ages, millions of years, etc., and that they have now backed off, and indicated that these events occurred rapidly.
By the way, that first item is not talking about the formation of a mountain,
per se, but its detachment, that is, its breaking into massive pieces and becoming separated by great distances. That's what's now indicated by mainstream geologists to have happen in only minutes.
For your criticism of this item in this list to be valid, you would have to show either that:
1. Uniformitarian (or mainstream, take your pick) geologists never previously claimed that this Heart Mountain Detachment occurred over a long period, or
2. Uniformitarian geologists do not today claim that this detachment happened within minutes.
That's it.
Now I think you should realize that you missed the point with your next comment:
pozzolane said:
Furthermore, after reading the paper you provided (non-peer-reviewed creationist paper from a creationist website), I am only further justified in my criticism in my first post here. The evidence is not laid out in a manner which can be interpreted logically, but rather they start with the premise first and foremost that the flood described in genesis is a literal event. This is not how science is done, Bob. I surely hope you can do better than this.
pozzolane, I'm not "doing science" with this list. I'm just reporting on "Not So Old"
events that were once claimed to have formed over millions of years, etc., and now are seen by old-earth geologists to have formed rapidly.
I've just started to collect this list, and it's but a tiny sample of such evidence being collected by mainstream scientists.
I enjoy this stuff.
-Bob Enyart
p.s. I'm not going to have time to go through this list with you (though I'd love to). So, if I ever get back to this thread, and pozzolane you think you can still make your point, you'll have to pick one of the items in the list that the field of geology did not hold to have formed over long ages, OR, pick an items that mainstream geologists today do not believe formed rapidly. (That is, you'd have to find something on that list that I either fabricated, or was very confused about.)