Punish Criminals Also for Unintended Harm

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Punish Criminals Also for Unintended Harm

This is the show from Tuesday August 7th, 2007.

The general principle from scripture is if a criminal is committing a crime and then there is harm caused indirectly by his crime then he's responsible for that harm. He's responsible for the unintended consequences of his crime.


* Phoenix News Helicopters: crashed killing four men while filming a police chase led by a 23-year old criminal who should be charged with their deaths as part of the unintended consequences of his gross negligence.

* How Beautiful are the Beautiful People: at Iowa State University? And what do they have against a frequently published astronomer? They must be intolerant anti-free speech bigots who hate anyone who thinks God just might exist.

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Science Department at our KGOV Store? Check out Bob's Age of the Earth Debate, Walt Brown's In the Beginning, Jonathan Park's The Adventure Begins , Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet, Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life, and Bob's interviews with a great MIT scientist, Walt Brown Week!


I find it ironic that Bob uses legal precedent to make his argument. Further he contradicts himself when he calls the four people who died innocent and then admits there to be pilot error (which is the obvious cause not someone fleeing from the police). Although I would not call it pilot error but pilot negligence. What ever happened to Eze. 18:20?

This sounds like liberalism to me. I killed someone but it is not my fault, someone somewhere had to have been committing a crime. I am sorry but this is ridiculous. If he had caused an accident on the ground than yes but it is impossible for him to be responsible for something that happens in the air.

If someone gets a speeding ticket and a drunk driver kills the cop giving it is the speeder responsible? or if someone has to go to court for some reason and the judge gets in an accident on the way who is responsible? One can only take the logic of unintended consequences so far. If a robber's accomplice gets killed due to self defense then how can that robber be charged with murder when no murder was committed? or how responsible is a man for the actions of his children when he has destroyed his marriage? This is all just liberalism and is ridiculous. We are responsible for our own actions. Eze. 18:20

It almost sounds as if Bob would have David put to death for the murders of the priests committed by king Saul. :kookoo:


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I find it ironic that Bob uses legal precedent to make his argument.
The legal precedent is Isaiah 21:22-25 "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."


New member
I agree with this...

The general principle from scripture is if a criminal is committing a crime and then there is harm caused indirectly by his crime then he's responsible for that harm. He's responsible for the unintended consequences of his crime.

But, I don't agree with this...

* Phoenix News Helicopters: crashed killing four men while filming a police chase led by a 23-year old criminal who should be charged with their deaths as part of the unintended consequences of his gross negligence.

I am sick of the media trying to sensationalize every single event that happens, and calling it news worthy. If the police want to use copters to capture criminals, then that's fine, but if anyone is responsible for causing harm to the general public, it's the news media.


The legal precedent is Isaiah 21:22-25 "If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman's husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe."

I think you mean Exodus 21:22-25 and I agree wholeheartedly with that verse but I think that Bob goes well beyond reason.. these are two men fighting where the woman came to see the fight and then got into another fight with another pregnant woman. :p


I agree with this...

But, I don't agree with this...

I am sick of the media trying to sensationalize every single event that happens, and calling it news worthy. If the police want to use copters to capture criminals, then that's fine, but if anyone is responsible for causing harm to the general public, it's the news media.
Yeah, the whole live news feed via copter is pretty morbid. I find it ironic that one of the other news copters signed off almost immediately after the crash, after all, they are there to film exactly something like that. I guess that it is different when it is more than just your neighbor.


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If we didn't have a sick voyeuristic society that didn't demand such "news" those in the helicopters could well be alive today.


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I think you mean Exodus 21:22-25 and I agree wholeheartedly with that verse but I think that Bob goes well beyond reason.. these are two men fighting where the woman came to see the fight and then got into another fight with another pregnant woman. :p
Yes, it was Exodus, not Isaiah. :doh: But please show me where in that passage you find 2 women instead of only 1.


Yes, it was Exodus, not Isaiah. :doh: But please show me where in that passage you find 2 women instead of only 1.

It is just an analogy or are you saying that there has to be two men and a pregnant woman in which case this verse is not even applicable?
In this instance, with the helicopters, there are two of them and they contain people so there is an analogy between a helicopter and a woman with child. Anyway, I hope this clears things up for you. :p


The Dark Knight
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I disagree with Bob on this one. The news copter pilots are the ones to blame for this. They were the ones not paying attention.
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