Punish Criminals Also for Unintended Harm
This is the show from Tuesday August 7th, 2007.
* Phoenix News Helicopters: crashed killing four men while filming a police chase led by a 23-year old criminal who should be charged with their deaths as part of the unintended consequences of his gross negligence.
* How Beautiful are the Beautiful People: at Iowa State University? And what do they have against a frequently published astronomer? They must be intolerant anti-free speech bigots who hate anyone who thinks God just might exist.
Today's Resource: Have you seen the Science Department at our KGOV Store? Check out Bob's Age of the Earth Debate, Walt Brown's In the Beginning, Jonathan Park's The Adventure Begins , Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet, Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life, and Bob's interviews with a great MIT scientist, Walt Brown Week!
This is the show from Tuesday August 7th, 2007.
The general principle from scripture is if a criminal is committing a crime and then there is harm caused indirectly by his crime then he's responsible for that harm. He's responsible for the unintended consequences of his crime.
* Phoenix News Helicopters: crashed killing four men while filming a police chase led by a 23-year old criminal who should be charged with their deaths as part of the unintended consequences of his gross negligence.
* How Beautiful are the Beautiful People: at Iowa State University? And what do they have against a frequently published astronomer? They must be intolerant anti-free speech bigots who hate anyone who thinks God just might exist.
Today's Resource: Have you seen the Science Department at our KGOV Store? Check out Bob's Age of the Earth Debate, Walt Brown's In the Beginning, Jonathan Park's The Adventure Begins , Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet, Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life, and Bob's interviews with a great MIT scientist, Walt Brown Week!