Professing themselves to be wise they became fools


New member
Matthew 24:4-5 is being fulfilled now! There are countless individuals who claim to be Christ in this time. There are false prophets and false teachings all over television and the internet, some of which hold to new age purely satanic beliefs about reincarnation, many paths to "enlightenment," and so forth. Even many television evangelists have blatantly denied Jesus Christ from behind the pulpit. And many have even referred to themselves as gods simply because of twisting Genesis 1:26! There are numerous people who truly believe that they are saved, but they are not. First of all, reincarnation is a lie. The bible teaches that man is appointed once to die and then the judgment. Secondly, there are not many paths to "enlightenment." I'm not even going to say enlightenment because that word means nothing. Eternal Life means everything, and there is not many, not few, but only one way to eternal life, and that is through absolute faith and trust in Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God, that he died for your sins, and that he was resurrected. There are many aspects to living a true Christian life, none of which are produced by self effort. Mark 4:26-29. We see in this passage that spiritual growth is not produced by self effort, but by a creative act of the Holy Spirit present in one's life.


New member
Buddah attained enlightenment, then wished to die,and could not.

I could claim to be Jesus or g-d and you ask for proof, I would quote you scripture and say "a wicked generation shall seek a sign and get none but the sign of Jonah."

what answer do you have for that ?


New member
Buddah attained enlightenment, then wished to die,and could not.

I could claim to be Jesus or g-d and you ask for proof, I would quote you scripture and say "a wicked generation shall seek a sign and get none but the sign of Jonah."

what answer do you have for that ?

I don't seek signs.


Well-known member
Americans hate education. Always have. With education comes enlightenment, and that is something we just can't tolerate here in the land of self-delusion.


New member
Matthew 24:4-5 is being fulfilled now! There are countless individuals who claim to be Christ in this time. There are false prophets and false teachings all over television and the internet, some of which hold to new age purely satanic beliefs about reincarnation, many paths to "enlightenment," and so forth. Even many television evangelists have blatantly denied Jesus Christ from behind the pulpit. And many have even referred to themselves as gods simply because of twisting Genesis 1:26! There are numerous people who truly believe that they are saved, but they are not. First of all, reincarnation is a lie. The bible teaches that man is appointed once to die and then the judgment. Secondly, there are not many paths to "enlightenment." I'm not even going to say enlightenment because that word means nothing. Eternal Life means everything, and there is not many, not few, but only one way to eternal life, and that is through absolute faith and trust in Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God, that he died for your sins, and that he was resurrected. There are many aspects to living a true Christian life, none of which are produced by self effort. Mark 4:26-29. We see in this passage that spiritual growth is not produced by self effort, but by a creative act of the Holy Spirit present in one's life.

You use the terms faith, believe and trust. How do these words differ and what do each of them mean in the spiritual sense.