
New member

( "FOR LIES" )

America IS Now THE W-o-r-l-d-'s Most "PRO'ANTICHRIST"!!
Bastards: -- (( ""Hebrews 12:8 KJV"" )) -- 8- "But IF YE be Without Chastisement, "whereof ALL are Partakers", then are ye "Bastards" , and NOT Sons"!!!!!!! --- Read IT; and SPIT ON What G-O-D Said There; I-T-'S Like the "LYING BASTARDS" You Are!!!!!!!!!-- "Bastard", is the ""Spiritual"" of the Carnal FALSE ""T-H-I-N-G-S""; Spiritually Created O-R Born Out of Wedlock!!!! -- GOD Has NOT Joined Any Couple in Marriage In Your World; ( "NONE", No Not ONE )!! -- ((( "MARRIAGE A-N-D BAPTISM" ))) IS the Same Thing OR Same EVENT. - Baptism IS Marriage, AND Marriage IS Baptism And Nothing Else!!!! -- Only FOOLS the Children of Satan's Children IS ( Born Out of Wedlock ) --- (( John 8:44 KJV )) -- 44- "YE are of YOUR Father the Devil", and the lusts of your father Y-E Will DO"!!!

America; the U.S. - Is The Most "Antichrist" Country ON Earth. --- Lies, NonReligious, Phony Christians and --- "T-H-E --- E-V-I-L", The Non Belief of GOD!! -- IF One "Says" Anything of the Spirit of God that God Did Not Say; That IS A LIE by that LIAR!! - What God Said IS The ONLY /// "O-N-L-Y -- T-R-U-T-H" Which IS "Christ the Word of GOD". -- (( John 1:14 KJV )) -- 14- "And the Word was "Made Flesh", and Dwelt among US, (and WE beheld HIS Glory, the "G-l-o-r-y" as of the Only "Begotten of the Father". --//-------- ALL You "Phony Christians" are Nothing BUT "LIARS", Saying You ""B-E-L-I-E-V-E"" Christ // GOD!! -- DO You Believe CHRIST???? -- ""Everything"" CHRIST // GOD Has Said???? -- "God // Christ IS The TRUTH": -- (( John 14:6 KJV -- 6- "Jesus saith unto him, "I am the Way, the "T-R-U-T-H", and the Life: NO Man "C-O-M-E-T-H" unto the Father, but by ME". ))!!! ---- God // Christ "((( SAID; -- "Romans 3:10-12 KJV" ))), and None /// Not One of You ""Phony Religious Liars"" Can Accept That "TRUTH"!!!!!

((( There IS "N-O" True Christian Program ON TV Anywhere )))!!! - There IS Nothing But False or Phony Christian Teaching of Every Kind ON TV!!!!
Everything is Delectably Taught to "Sound" Like the TRUTH and GOOD // GODLY, But EVERYTHING Taught on TV Anywhere IS Directed to Nothing but A LIE OF SATAN!!!! -- Today's TV, And Everything that Teaches People ANYTHING, IS OF SATAN; N-O-T Of or For Anything Righteous and the TRUTH!!

The Possibly So Called "E-X-T-R-E-M-E ---G-E-N-I-U-S-E-S", are the Most "S-T-U-P-I-D" and Biggest FOOLS In Your Whole World!!! --- ((((( "TIME", The "BIG BANG"; And "GRAVITY" A-R-E --- N-O-T ))))), And Never Existed; - they ALL are Nothing BUT Stupid Lying Nonsense of F-O-O-L-S!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 050416

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The Possibly So Called "E-X-T-R-E-M-E ---G-E-N-I-U-S-E-S", are the Most "S-T-U-P-I-D" and Biggest FOOLS In Your Whole World!!! --- ((((( "TIME", The "BIG BANG"; And "GRAVITY" A-R-E --- N-O-T ))))), And Never Existed; - they ALL are Nothing BUT Stupid Lying Nonsense of F-O-O-L-S!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 050416

I'm guessing you don't watch The Big Bang Theory on CBS.


New member
I'm guessing you don't watch The Big Bang Theory on CBS.

I Try to watch ALL the Stupid Fools who are Called "Scientists", to find Out What You All's "Phony" Earth Teaches!! - There are TWO Earths "N-O-W"; The First and Now the "N-E-W -- E-A-R-T-H"!!! -- ( Isaiah 65:17 KJV ) --( Isaiah 66:22 KJV ) -- ( 2 Peter 3:13 KJV ) -- ( Revelation 21:1 KJV )!!!

((( Romans 3:10-12 KJV )))!!! NOW - Who Among YOU Believes what God SAYS????? -- (( No Not ONE ))!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 051016

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I Try to watch ALL the Stupid Fools who are Called "Scientists", to find Out What You All's "Phony" Earth Teaches!! - There are TWO Earths "N-O-W"; The First and Now the "N-E-W -- E-A-R-T-H"!!! -- ( Isaiah 65:17 KJV ) --( Isaiah 66:22 KJV ) -- ( 2 Peter 3:13 KJV ) -- ( Revelation 21:1 KJV )!!!

((( Romans 3:10-12 KJV )))!!! NOW - Who Among YOU Believes what God SAYS????? -- (( No Not ONE ))!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 051016

I'm not a scientist...


New member
I'm not a scientist...

I Didn't Say YOU Were. - I was Referring to All the "Theories" put Out by the Phony Scientists about the Universe THEY Call ( "Themselves" ) "Children of God"; - God of Their Earth, NOT The "New Earth" - where I AM!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 051016

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I Didn't Say YOU Were. - I was Referring to All the "Theories" put Out by the Phony Scientists about the Universe THEY Call ( "Themselves" ) "Children of God"; - God of Their Earth, NOT The "New Earth" - where I AM!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 051016

Thanks for clarifying.