Pro-life and Democrat


New member
I am curious about those who say they are pro-life and that they are a Democrat.

I found the following information interesting. Just by way of a sampling, in Michigan we have 14 Representatives, 9 Republican and 5 Democratic. On their voting record as published by the National Right to Life organization, the Republicans all have a 100% record when it comes to voting for pro-life legislation. The Democrats all have a 0% rating, in other words, during the 115th Congress none of them have voted for any pro-life legislation. Although it varies across the country a little from this, this is still very typical. (

So when someone says I’m pro-life and I am a Democrat, is it true that what they are saying is, although I will not get an abortion and I will encourage members of my family not to, when it comes to voting I both encourage people across this nation to get abortions and I enable them to do so?


New member
The people I am thinking of are personal friends. Not anyone who would be known by others. Some of them are very active Christians. Yet, adamant that Christians need to vote Democrat. I just don't understand it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The people I am thinking of are personal friends. Not anyone who would be known by others. Some of them are very active Christians. Yet, adamant that Christians need to vote Democrat. I just don't understand it.

Respectfully, I would say that they have not kept a close eye on what has become of their party. The party is socialist now, out in the open and proud of it. They are the party of gay marriage as well. The party has been taken over by the extreme Left. All the moderates have been run out of town. It is the party of ANTI-Christian values up and down the board.

The party of Truman and Kennedy no longer exists.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I am curious about those who say they are pro-life and that they are a Democrat.
Here's a link to an article that might interest you, entitled, "If You're a Pro-life Democrat..." and here's a snippet.

"During a hot July weekend, a group of these Americans—about 100 grass-roots activists from around the country—met at a nondescript Radisson hotel tucked away in a corporate office park outside Denver. Between the soccer teams and family reunions crowding the lobby, they were holding the first—annual, they hope—Democrats for Life of America convention, titled “I Want My Party Back!

Shortly after Democrats for Life’s founding nearly two decades ago, its website listed as many as 43 House Democrats in the group's coalition. Today, Democrats for Life endorses two sitting House members and three senators. Its leaders won't reveal the group's membership numbers, but in a nod to their scarcity, member jokingly refer to themselves as political unicorns." Link

At large:

As to the question of abortion and that public, Gallup within this year as:

29% of Americans support abortion rights under any circumstances.
20% of Americans oppose abortion rights under any circumstances.
50% of Americans support abortion rights under some circumstances.

So more Americans support abortion rights without caveat than oppose it and most Americans support abortion rights in some form.

Some good news in the polling. Among those who support abortion rights that support appears to largely rest in the first trimester, rapidly dwindling thereafter. By the third trimester 81% of Americans oppose legal abortions and only 13% support it.

When a woman's life is endangered, abortion rights are favored 83% to 15% a response essentially unchanged since the polling in 2003.
Rape and incest still has popular support in terms of abortion rights, with 77% for and 21% opposed, up 5% since 2003.
Child born with life-threatening illness is in third place, with 67% for and 31% opposed, up 7% since 2003.

On how Americans feel about abortion rights as they currently stand:

Satisfied as is 37%
Dissatisfied and want stricter, 22%
Dissatisfied and want less strict 19%
Dissatisfied, but want same 10%
No opinion, 12%

538 polling from 2017 looked for the party line of demarcation among their respective rank and file, asking if abortion should be legal in most cases or illegal in most cases.

Republicans came in 65% illegal in most cases to 34% saying it should be legal in most cases.
Independents came in 38% illegal in most cases to 60% saying it should be legal in most cases.
Democrats came in 22% illegal in most cases, to 75% saying it should be legal in most cases.

So when someone says I’m pro-life and I am a Democrat, is it true that what they are saying is, although I will not get an abortion and I will encourage members of my family not to, when it comes to voting I both encourage people across this nation to get abortions and I enable them to do so?
I think you don't have to assume that, simply understand how hard it is for them to elect anyone, given the numbers within their party. It's similarly difficult for pro-choice republicans, if you look at the numbers.

I'm more disheartened by the general numbers in relation to Roe and I suspect it's harder to find someone opposed to abortion in any elective sense than it is to find a pro life democrat.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I am curious about those who say they are pro-life and that they are a Democrat.
I think it's much harder to find a Democrat who is pro-gun rights. I myself could vote for Democrats without any problem, if they'd only pledge to obey the law, in particular the right of the people to keep and bear arms, which is not supposed to be infringed.

Stop meddling in the gun market. The recognition, affirmation, and protection of gun rights are the only thing keeping us from where we want to be, Democrat worldviews/narratives/tropes notwithstanding.

The Horn

At least the Democratic party wants to do everything it can to PREVENT as many abortions as possible by providing poor women with the medical care they need as well as contraceptives - the things which enable poor own to avoid unwanted pregnancies and to be able to provide for children if they are pregnant .
Trump and the Republicans want to abolish Obamacare , but they don't have anything better to perplexed it .The Trump administration is trying to abolish essential government programs to help the poor - especially poor pregnant women . This will e guaranteed to INCREASE the abortion rate in America .
Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats genuinely care about children born to poor women . They do not want these children to grow up hungry, malnourished , living in poor, unsanitary , cold housing and without medical care .
The Republican party's concern for the unborn invariably ends at birth . Then, it';s "You're on your own, kid . We just wanted tomato sure your mother didn't have an abortion ".


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
At least the Democratic party wants to do everything it can to PREVENT as many abortions as possible by providing poor women with the medical care they need as well as contraceptives.

"Medical care" and "contraceptives" are leftese words for abortion.

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The Republican party's concern for the unborn invariably ends at birth . Then, it';s "You're on your own, kid . We just wanted tomato sure your mother didn't have an abortion ".

That sounds not quite as bad as the abortionist who goes to great lengths to get the baby out, and if he is still alive, the murderer leaves him on a table to die.

And if he's not alive, the murderer forgets all about him and moves on to the next assignment.

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I am curious about those who say they are pro-life and that they are a Democrat...

Kinda like saying that you're pro life and Libertarian. Granted, Libertarians will say that abortion is wrong because the unborn baby can't give "consent" to be aborted, but being pro life goes directly against Libertarian doctrine of "self ownership", i.e. "It's MY body and I can do with it as please!"

Right ok doser?

Right Divider

Body part
Kinda like saying that you're pro life and Libertarian. Granted, Libertarians will say that abortion is wrong because the unborn baby can't give "consent" to be aborted, but being pro life goes directly against Libertarian doctrine of "self ownership", i.e. "It's MY body and I can do with it as please!"

Right ok doser?

The child is not part of the mothers body.



The child is not part of the mothers body.

(Why is Right Divider answering for ok doser?)

I hate to give you a 9th grade biology lessen, but without the mother, the unborn baby wouldn't develop nor survive.

Every living thing needs a host, be it human life or even disease.

Right Divider

Body part
(Why is Right Divider answering for ok doser?)
Because I can chime in with my own comment in these public messages. If you want to PM ok doser, feel free.

I hate to give you a 9th grade biology lessen, but without the mother, the unborn baby wouldn't develop nor survive.
Don't change the subject.

The BABY is not PART of the MOTHER'S BODY.

Every living thing needs a host, be it human life or even disease.
Whoop de do.