President Obama carves out 5 minutes for Jordan’s King.


[President Obama carves out 5 minutes for Jordan’s King. That’s right, five minutes. God have mercy. Let me explain. By Joel Rosenberg Washington, D.C.] "After initially refusing to make time to meet with America’s most faithful Sunni Muslim Arab ally in the hot war against ISIS, President Obama changed his mind and decided to make time after all.

For five minutes.

Yes, you read that right — five minutes.

“President Barack Obama made a last-minute detour on his way out of Washington on Wednesday to greet Jordan’s King Abdullah, after originally planning to skip meeting with the close ally,” reports CNN. “The White House had cited preparations for his State of the Union speech for preventing a more formal sit-down earlier in the week and indicated there were plans to meet in the near future.”

“This is insane,” I told CBN News on Tuesday. “The King of Jordan is probably the most faithful Sunni ally that the United States has, and President Obama doesn’t have time to meet with him?”

On the blog, I went further. “This stunning decision by Mr. Obama to snub the King of Jordan is as nonsensical as it is offensive. Jordan is in a hot war with the Islamic State. The King, a Muslim — indeed a descendent of Muhammad — is doing a heroic job confronting this barbaric enemy. How in the world could the President not make time to meet with him, listen to his perspective, and talk about how to work even more closely together?”

The Jordanian King is fighting ISIS. He is bombing ISIS. He is providing intelligence so we can bomb ISIS. He wants to do more. His life and his kingdom are in grave danger. ISIS is gunning for him, and he knows it.

Fine, so the President changed his mind. But five minutes? This is almost as offensive as not meeting with the King at all. It sends a terrible message to U.S. allies the world over that the President cannot be trusted to be a good friend when the chips are down.

Mr. Obama has one more year in office. We cannot afford for him to make such serious mistakes, one after another. We need him to lead, to protect us and our allies. I pray that the Lord would protect him and his family, and that the Lord will open his eyes and change his heart and help him understand Radical and Apocalyptic Islam and how to protect us from both.

“On Wednesday, the White House announced that an unscheduled meeting had been held after all,” CNN noted. “Obama walked from his Marine One helicopter on the tarmac of Joint Base Andrews to the passenger lounge, where Abdullah was awaiting his own flight from the military installation later in the day. The meeting lasted less than five minutes.”

The CNN report noted that “Abdullah did meet with Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday and Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Monday.” The report also stated that the President promised to meet with the King again later in 2016. I hope so.

Given the high stakes of this war — given that ISIS wants to topple the Kingdom of Jordan, and is testing how to use chemical weapons — the President should be treating Jordan and all our Middle East allies far better. If he continues to go down the path he’s on, God have mercy on us all." President Obama carves out 5 minutes for Jordan’s King. That’s right, five minutes. God have mercy. Let me explain. Mt 24:6


ISIS threatens to invade Jordan ISIS Threatens to Invade Jordan, 'Slaughter' King Abdullah Jer 49:2


He's Jesuit trained.

Too bad the king's family annexed the West Bank in 1950. Jer 49:1

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly
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Too bad King Abdullah II let :CRASH: the most brutal people in the world train in his land. Am 1:13-15

"Too bad." :chz4brnz: ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly