Pre-Christmas 2019 Thoughts


Well-known member
God wants us
To act in a
Way that is
Contrary at times
To the way of
The world but
That is how we
Are not of this
World though we
Live in it
Our world is
Eternity and
In heaven!


Well-known member
It is
How we carry
Ourselves even
When people are
Not fair but
We have the
God of all that
Is and how we
Need to know that
He will reward us
He does not like His
Children to be hurt
But we need to always
Be kind and humble
No matter what!


Well-known member
Just life
Can throw us
Curve balls
Like people
But that is
How we need
In the dealing
With that of
Life and how
Our reward will
Be in haven and
With God there!