PP does not pay for shipping another lie exposed


New member
the full transript details a portion of the conversation that speaks directly about shipping in Texas PPs.
Buyer: And you ship fetal specimens to other states-

PP: We have not shipped any fetal specimens-

Buyer: Ok.

Buyer: Is that a possibility?

PP: Oh yea. It’s really just a matter of what category does it fit into according to (inaudible) and shipping according to that category. It’s also going to depend on the media. If your media is ethanol/methanol based then that puts into category six, that’s flammables. And we’re limited to how many we can fit in a box, we can still do it, we just have to spread it out into different boxes. You can’t have more than fifty cc’s in a box-

Buyer: Not to interrupt, fetal tissue will never be in media like that because the cells need to viable. It needs to be RPMI or something like that.- What’s the cost, I’m not familiar with that? Is there a higher cost with that?

PP: Typically, our sponsors set up a FedEx account for us, and we just use that account. We go online, we have it set up in our FedEx world account, put everything in, print up the air bill, slap it on, put it on dry ice, put it in the freezer, bricks, whatever we need to do and either drop it off- whatever we need to do- we have FedEx pick up here about three or four pm. Then anything that is late, something that was collected late, we drop it off at FedEx. It’s literally on the way home for me, so yea.

PP pays for shipping is another evil lie by PP. nothing but pure profit.
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