POTUS threatens "end of NK as we know it" if they push the nuke thing too far


New member
If he does go off the deep end and start military action there will be several hundred thousand South Koreans dead by the end of the first day as NK attacks Seoul with artillery. The following mass movement of soldiers and civilians across the border will raise that to a couple of million dead on both sides within three weeks.

At three weeks the American heavy armour and other materiel starts to arrive - wouldn't look to attractive to voters.

Trump needs to stop shouting at the class bully across the playground and think of the long term plan. The South Koreans have one, but it goes nowhere without the US offering something to NK in negotiations. War is certainly unlikely, but with Trump shooting from the hip, anything is possible.


Well-known member
If he does go off the deep end and start military action there will be several hundred thousand South Koreans dead by the end of the first day as NK attacks Seoul with artillery. The following mass movement of soldiers and civilians across the border will raise that to a couple of million dead on both sides within three weeks.

At three weeks the American heavy armour and other materiel starts to arrive - wouldn't look to attractive to voters.

Trump needs to stop shouting at the class bully across the playground and think of the long term plan. The South Koreans have one, but it goes nowhere without the US offering something to NK in negotiations. War is certainly unlikely, but with Trump shooting from the hip, anything is possible.

Anyone willing to say the words quoted in the OP (while leader of the free world) is clearly maniacal, and unfit to lead.


New member
I wonder who...

I don't blindly follow links that mask where are taking taking you to, so of course I didn't click. Did you?

But the OP was obviously triggered by reports of Trump's lethally poor diplomatic skills, so I guess that GJ had been hunting for something a previous US politician said without proper thought or advice. A Democrat one I expect, but POTUSs of both sides have bade a complete hash of NK over the years, so there is a wealth of source material. (here's one: "I remember meeting a mother of a child who was abducted by the North Koreans right here in the Oval Office.")

Re the OP: George Bush completely sucked up to NK, backing away from the previous firm policy, so I guess there was a silly comment from Clinton? There were lots but not as much retreat from reality as Trump.


Well-known member
I don't blindly follow links that mask where are taking taking you to, so of course I didn't click. Did you?

I did. But you could have googled the quote, before assuming.

But the OP was obviously triggered by reports of Trump's lethally poor diplomatic skills, so I guess that GJ had been hunting for something a previous US politician said without proper thought or advice.

Musterion wrote the OP. I didn't. Read things before you comment, man.


New member
But comment on the link anyway, without reading it, cause they think that's an educated thing to do.

And double down when called out on it.

Of course, an uneducated analysis of the political situation in a response to an educated attempt at a humorous political point scoring. My bad.


Do either of you have anything constructive to say about the trigger for the thread, Trump's impulsive stirring of the Korean crisis?


Hall of Fame
Do either of you have anything constructive to say about the trigger for the thread, Trump's impulsive stirring of the Korean crisis?

He should shut his huge mouth before spouting off over such a serious matter. Oh ... and ask for advice from those who actually know what they are doing. His cowboy antics should have dispensed when he entered middle school.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
He should shut his huge mouth before spouting off over such a serious matter. Oh ... and ask for advice from those who actually know what they are doing. His cowboy antics should have dispensed when he entered middle school.
Clinton is the one that said it.
The OP is what Clinton said, not Trump.

Hillary supporters still believing in fake news.


New member
The link of the OP is what Clinton said, not Trump.

Yes, it did. Well done. The grown-ups are talking now about the present crisis and Trump shouting his mouth off when he doesn't understand the situation.

If you have anything constructive to add to this thread, please do.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Yes, it did. Well done.

The grown-ups are talking now about the present crisis and Trump shouting his mouth off when he doesn't understand the situation.
Then you 'grown ups' are derailing the thread from the OP.
tsk tsk
The OP is not about what Trump said.

If you have anything constructive to add to this thread, please do.
Constructive would be on topic per OP; not the off topic derailing from you.


New member

Then you 'grown ups' are derailing the thread from the OP.
tsk tsk
The OP is not about what Trump said.

Constructive would be on topic per OP; not the off topic derailing from you.

You've added nothing to the OP for us to talk about, but the OP did direct us to the current POTUS and his dangerous games by reference. Would you like to discuss who is most dangerous to the cities in reach of NK missiles? Clinton or Trump? Hmmm.

Your turn.

The Barbarian

Trump's bellicose warning would be appropriate in a confrontation with a rational dictator.

I am not convinces NK is ruled by a rational dictator. Let us hope so.


New member
Trump's bellicose warning would be appropriate in a confrontation with a rational dictator.

I am not convinces NK is ruled by a rational dictator. Let us hope so.

Unfortunately, I think that their leader is very rational. But his position is insecure and a mistake will cost him his life. All of his grand standing is to bolster his own position, asks the threat of war always gets a divided population back on side.

The war will happen of he thinks he had been backed right into a corner or has his hand forced by careless POTUS tweets or military posturing. What he really wants is to hold negotiations with the US on a level playing field which nuclear ICBMs may well provide.