Pope Declares Mother Angelica is in Heaven


[Pope Declares Mother Angelica is in Heaven Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] :eek:linger: "The Catholic nun who founded the Eternal Word Television Network in 1981 has entered into eternity at the age of 92. Pope Francis said she is now in heaven. Read more.

[Mike Gendron Comment] How does the pope know who is in heaven? By his own teachings he has proven he does not know the exclusivity of the Gospel. If Mother Angelica could return and do one more TV show, she would tell her world-wide audience that she now knows the truth and she would apologize for misleading people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ?" Pro-Gospel.org


New member
[If Mother Angelica could return and do one more TV show, she would tell her world-wide audience that she now knows the truth and she would apologize for misleading people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ?" Pro-Gospel.org

how do you know?

you don't.

And here's another little fact you are ignorant of: The pope's casual proclamations are not to be taken seriously by Catholics, only those things defined as ex cathedra.