Political. "Yes I am".


I am of Israel and a citizen of the United States of America. I am a Jewish convert, or a convert to Judaism, while maintaining my Christianity. I can see how this might be viewed as political, or discussion of God's commands might be viewed as between the two (Israel and the United States). I have written of this first because of the political part being brought to my attention. This doesn't have to be political, and if not involved in politics is it simply religion and nations as opposed to politics between the two?

Now, what came to my mind is this. If a subject is abortion (just me, and the United States of America, but God's Law and God's commands) we have a response in my mind of "I am". I am what? I am against abortion. For the record with the subject being abortion this is not I am an abortionist. Case closed. I am against abortion, abortion being the subject. I am not an abortionist. I am against sin and against sinners who commit sin, so I am against abortionists, even as we know to love the sinner, hate the sin, and not to judge. This is murder and should be eradicated from our land, as with idolatry.

This was not am I political. Posting in the Religion forum may relegate this to religion or that I am religious, but it is not and this is not necessarily the case. Except that if it is religious or political it pertains to God and God is either not concerned with politics or law (the law of our land) or He is. I believe He is concerned with our law, whatever it is and whatever it states (about abortion) and to whomever it is directed as we endeavor to observe and obey God's Law. He is concerned with our politics, but a just judge is not political. Is it that it involves nations and that the United States of America does not observe God's Law as Israel does? We can. But being that we are not Israel, as a nation, we should observe God's Law the best we can. Why not in regard to the commandment not to murder (not to abort a baby and not to commit sin by or through or in abortion, whether a mother and or father with a baby or an abortionist who kills babies for a living). If forced or if the law provides for this, it should be changed. Either way we have to make decisions on our own not to kill other people. Babies are people. Don't kill. It is murder. Do not murder. Do not support abortion or support others when they do. Only support what is right, not people who are wrong. Help others to change their views, and live righteously even in regard to abortion, and even when a person proposes that abortion is a necessary evil because of sin in the world. If we live righteously, the thought of even that we would need abortion is gone because there is never a need, but there isn't even a need to begin with, sin or not. Murder is murder. One wrong because of another wrong is wrong, evil, and sin. Save life. Save the life of the baby and the mother. And don't sin if that is the reason for now wanting an abortion, knowing that sin and abortion are both wrong and that your views and opinions, your thoughts, actions, and communication, should reflect this.



The United States of America is different (from Israel), but we don't have a temple (maybe Israel will) so we like Israel whether we choose to obey God's Law or not, should observe all that we can whether we call ourselves Israelites or of Israel or Jews or Israelis or not. Gentiles should and can and do observe God's Law or do New Testament or new covenant believers do so (the new covenant was (IS, since Jesus (Yeshua)) for the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

Is political yes I am, since it is now the thread title? Or the subject being abortion and that I am against it yes I am, and the reason for the thread includes asking the question or stating that though this is religion or religious it is more than that and that there are two forums and the other is political or Politics? We should be against the things that God hates, whatever sin it is. We need to live in the truth of God's word, and we need to read, study, or talk about the things of God even from the Bible beginning with Torah.
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