People reason Old Testament New Testament out of context.


Words are important.

The Bible is the Word of God.

The Old Testament or Old Covenant is the Torah or the TaNaK not 39 books, but the Old Covenant is a Covenant not Scripture, like the New.

When a person has trouble reading between the 39 Books of the Old Testament Old Covenant and the 27 Books of the New, they need things to be set straight. Plus, people read the 39 Books separate from the 27 and do not see them as one continuous whole. Plus I have not finished reading the TaNaK. The order and arrangement, even the number of the books is different. Though it is the same content verse numbers are sometimes different and I believe that it reads different. This is a lot to think about in reading and explaining the truth. People do need to understand things rightly and this includes or begins with God's Law.

Thoughts, agreement, and anything else welcome.

Do you read the Bible or the Old Testament and the New Testament or the Old Covenant and the New Covenant or the TaNaK and Matthew through Revelation?

