Pelosi "cries" over Netanyahu... but not over dead babies


New member
yeh, that Pelosi... BTW:What is she ON anyhow?

she just acts very peculiarly...

turns her back on Netanyahu when he is giving a very good speech... and later people talk about her crying...

not b/c she was moved by what the PM said, but... oh, heck, who KNOWS why?

It's a Pelosi thing...

which explains why we will never know the reason for her croc tears... as in: totally a croc

anyhow... she cries over the speech or something in the speech or whatever... but when she sees aborted children (Senate hearings)... Do we ever see her cry?

not even a croc tear for the unborn babies...

Nancy Pelosi, Folks (as per O'Reilly)



You must not know very many people. Do you live a really sheltered life?

Clearly hyperbole by me.

But she champions more social services despite her state constantly demanding Federal government handouts in order to afford them.

Even worse, she led the passing of a healthcare system reform that gives some healthcare to all, but backs up the system so that almost everyone will have to wait years for transplants/procedures that they sorely need now.

As a uber-rich politician with an uber-rich spouse, this isn't any concern of hers, as she can simply pay for any procedure she or any relative needs to be done immediately.

Have you ever wondered why Obamacare was passed by Congress with a specific exemption that members of Congress DON'T have to subscribe to it?
Here's a tip: If the cook won't eat his own food, it's probably not any good.

I hate Pelosi because she's a super wealthy politician who promotes programs that don't affect her, but can be very detrimental to the average person. All because the only thing she cares about (like most politicians, to be fair) is staying in power. California just happens to be the worst state in regards to over-socialization of state services. If the Feds cut the state off, it'd go bankrupt in 2 weeks