PastorKevin's SPOTD 06-05-07

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New member
Today's award goes to Maximeee for this:

faithvirus said:
Face it. There's as much empirical evidence to support Hell as there is Zeus, yet you think it's ok to frighten little children into believing they'll be tortured eternally because of beliefs based on no evidence. That's absurd and you're a sick person who should never have kids. No reasonable human being would even think that's acceptable. You Christian literalists are rotten people. If there is a God who punishes good and evil, I would never want to be you.

Maximeee said:
You call us rotten people while you throw insults at us:

"you're a sick person who should never have kids"
"No reasonable human being would even think that's acceptable"
"You Christian literalists are rotten people."

How nice!!!!!!!!! But hey - we'll see it when you get to stand before your Creator one day. Have a nice time explaining that one! :wave:

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