Paris March 18 2017: a test case about Islam


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PARIS, March 18, 2017
An isolation test-case about Islam
Marcus Sanford,
March 2017

There are a couple intriguing things about what happened in the take-down of an Islamic terrorist in this incident. So many times there is the search for a larger plan and related persons of interest, but there seems to be none this time.
Then there is the direct purpose expressed by the person: “I want to die for Allah.” Again, no other political causes seem to be attached, it is simply the theology.
I have been attentive to the problem of child-soldiers for a decade now, and was fortunate to interview Brooke Goldstein soon after her documentary on this. Her effort was toward a UN mandate about the problem. Material on this has become my script and short novel called FOOTHOLD.
After hearing the account of the Caner brothers (former Muslims), I also wrote a page about the situation of Europe 10 years ago, Nov. 2006. It is more Islamized than ever. One book from back then was titled EURABIA. See the next page.
But this month’s event is still worth noting because of the clarity of a few things since there is no network and there are no remote political causes.
The thing that becomes clarified is the theology, on which I will be referring to some the Caner’s said.
But before that, there is something in the terrorist’s expression yesterday to see: he seeks to die for Allah, but was in fact there to kill for Allah in a way that would result in his own death. It is both suicidal and homicidal.
“Holy war” is not an accurate translation of jihad, said the Caners. It is actually an “atoning war” against the West. It is therefore true what some ‘peaceful’ Muslims write when they say that jihad is an internal struggle that they are sorting out. That struggle is the issue of atonement for one’s sins. The next bit is the problem. There is nothing stopping the Muslim from enacting Paris, March 18, 2017, one Muslim at a time.
Islam does not accept that someone else would do your atonement for you. If you have delved into this question, you may have found that Islam generally does not accept the fact of the resurrection of Christ. But it is a mistake to think that this is simply not accepting the power of God to bring him back to life.
In saying this (rejecting the resurrection) Islam was not denying supernatural power. It actually understood something more advanced about the resurrection: God raised Christ from the dead because Christ accomplished atonement for all. The resurrection is an award to Christ for having performed perfectly. You will find this in Romans 4:25 and Acts 13:32+.
Of course, the Christian faith believes the resurrection took place, but why Christ was raised arches higher than that. Islam cannot allow this, so it seeks to undercut it at the lower level.
A missionary to Iran who had to leave during the 1979 Revolution gave me an insight about both Judaism and Islam in one move. Hebrews calls the old covenant an ‘annual reminder of sins,’ speaking to the net impact of the sacrificial system and its ‘holiest’ day. The missionary said Islam was one step more primitive than Judaism on this question. Atonement is absolutely necessary and absolutely out of reach, without taking an extreme action.
You can see why people with few connections to the Christian faith have been concerned to stop the problem of child-soldiers coming out of Islam.

You can pursue the strategy of peace or let Islam’s plans take Europe
Marcus Sanford,, hoping to send 100 to Europe

As the situation now stands, either violence or birth rate will turn Europe into an Islamic region in a matter of years. Paris is burning; Van Gogh of Holland was killed for his film on the treatment of women in Islam; British police have said they will not inquire about any suspected terrorists there without informing a cleric first.
Pluralism is not familiar to Muslims. While the Danish court took no action against the cartoonist who expressed his frustration with Islam by depicting Mohammad’s turban as a bomb, his life was taken by followers. Germany recently declared all sub-legal systems (like sharia law) within it to be accountable to its supreme court. (It was necessary to do this because of the emergence of zones in France where police have no control—where there is multi-legalism). Given the birth rate, and the Islamic doctrine that those born in other countries should seek out each other and live according to sharia law, these may only be temporary decelerations.
So there is a window of opportunity to preserve pluralism. But this is a tough question unless there is an answer to the basic drive of Islam. The good news is that there is; in fact, the answer is the good news of the message of Christ’s righteousness. Here is how we know. An ex-Muslim, now instructor in Christian truth, Argon Caner, says:

The coming world conflict will take place between 2 beliefs about atonement: Christ’s atoning work vs. suicidal acts by Muslims who believe this absolves them of sins their evil angel has tallied and reminds them of…This belief is so clear to me that when we talk to our brothers, we tell them that Christ strapped on the cross—the same verb they would use when instructed to put on a suicide bomb. The meaning is clear, but the difficulty is that Islam resists accepting this kind of work done for you by someone else.

We all know the enormity of Islam: there are some 1.2B followers worldwide. However, a critical fact is explained by Caner: only about 140M Moslems alive today have made the haj (pilgrimage). The sense of guilt, combined with the instruction to hate certain enemies, combined with the offer of paradise for destroying them in jihad, is volatile for the remaining 1.06 billion! In fact, says Caner, jihad is generally thought of as the 6th pillar. “Holy war” is not an accurate translation; it should be “atoning war.”
All of these points to a very unusual scenario: that the Christian message that Christ is our righteousness is also the most peace-keeping message of our time, in a literal world and geo-political sense. Islamic prophecy has it that it will have world control, in part through human effort.
To train how to get the Christian message, or even the message of pluralism from our American heritage, to Muslims in Europe while the window is still open, contact me:

S. Emerson JIHAD, INC.;
Hirsy-Ali, INFIDEL.