Parental Alienation - Kids as Weapons

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Parental Alienation - Kids as Weapons

This is the show from Wednesday July 28th, 2010.

The guardian ad litem interviews the children in the presence of the parent who doesn't go to church. But he takes the kid away from the Christian parent to do the interview. So obviously, in front of mom or dad, you're not going to say bad things about mom or dad. So the guardian ad litem knows exactly what they're doing to manipulate the results to be biased against the Christian family. I've seen that over and over.


* Court-Assisted Child Abuse: Psychologist Dr. Judith Ray joins Bob Enyart and local activist Charlie von Schlesien to discuss the family court industry and the epidemic of courts, divorce attorneys, guardians ad litem, and aggressive spouses and ex-spouses targeting working to get children to side against one of their parents. An example of the systemic cruelty is the hundreds of thousands of times that courts ask a child to pick a parent to live with, or whether a child wants to visit a parent.

Today's TWO Resources: For help convincing yourself (or someone else) to pull the kids out of public school you can 1) read The Harsh Truth About Public Schools by BEL friend Bruce Shortt or 2) subscribe to the BEL TV Classics.

Pink Fuzzy Bunny

New member
Sometimes I wonder what public schools some of these kids go to. I went to a public school for most of my life, and recently transferred to a Christian school for high school. Guess what, I think I turned out okay :sinapisN:


Sometimes I wonder what public schools some of these kids go to. I went to a public school for most of my life, and recently transferred to a Christian school for high school. Guess what, I think I turned out okay :sinapisN:

Yeah I went to public school too, and I'm currently a substitute teacher while I work on my degree so I can teach full time. Somehow in both my time as a student and as a teacher I missed out on the gay agenda, atheist propaganda, state sponsored harassment, humiliation, and degradation of the self-images of teen age girls and abortion encouragement. While public schools do have real problems, I think some people like to make them seem a lot worse than what they really are just to push their agenda. It amuses me to no end how people can claim to know the truth and prize the truth, yet tell such lies.

One Eyed Jack

New member
I wanted to live with my dad, but the courts made me live with my mom. Fortunately, she threw me out one time too many, and my dad refused to take me back to her, which suited me just fine.
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