Out of the Frying Pan...

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Out of the Frying Pan...

This is the show from Friday January 5th, 2007.


* Escape from the Happy Cannibal: Bob concludes his discussion with Ron Miller about the deity of Jesus Christ and the teachings of cult leader Roy Masters.

* A Sad Account of Roy Masters: Ron's book (pp. 161-164) documents an event from September 1994 in which an employee of Master's Oregon ranch gave an emotional testimony before about 70 people revealing: "her past, one filled with sexual promiscuity, guilt, and emotional pain... Clearly it is important for her to open up to the audience, but of greater significance is her interaction with Roy... She listens to Roy like an adoring child listens to a parent... Roy asks her if she has sexual feelings toward him, and she immediately replies with a confident "Yes!" ... what would an attractive young lady want from [a 66 year-] old man like Roy? ... Her session ends with Roy giving her an embracing hug. It is obvious that she trusts Roy more than her own father, and that he is strong enough not to abuse that trust." [emphasis added] This is a stereotypical example of a cult leader who conditions his followers to breach discretion for his prurient interest. The whole scene exhibits a gross lack of wisdom, mistreatment of a vulnerable woman, and is a textbook case of bad behavior on the part of a counselor or spiritual leader. Miller should not have portrayed this salacious event positively, but his doing so corroborates Bob's opinion that Ron is being negatively influenced by Masters. Presenting bad cult behavior as though it were good is a way of conditioning others to uncritical acceptance of the cult leader. Ron sums up the event saying, "The moral fiber that Roy possesses is exactly the sort of character that I have struggled to develop while traveling..."

Today's Resource: Consider listening to Bob's Bible Study on the Gospel of John! Christ spoke often of the Father. Still, He preached an egocentric message. Jesus said: follow Me · believe in Me · abide in Me · do all for My sake · confess Me · love Me · come to Me · keep My commandments · receive Me · seek Me · I bear witness of Myself · I am the truth · I am the life. Should a created being direct most attention to the Father, or focus upon himself? Bible teachers use a handful of verses to establish Christ's identity. As is his style, Bob Enyart starts with a sweeping overview of the Bible to address the deity of Christ. This study, The Gospel of John Vol. I, stuns and delights, respectively, those disputing and affirming His divinity!
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