O'Reilly: The Most Corrupt Politicians of 2018

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

O'Reilly: The Most Corrupt Politicians of 2018

Foundation for Accountability & Civic Trust released the list for the most corrupt politicians of 2018. On this week's Talking Points Memo, Bill discussed the top politicians on the list and the reasons they have been named the most corrupt. The names on the list may surprise you.


The Horn

Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris the "most corrupt ?" Huh ? What the . . . . . . ?????
I doubt the veracity of this story very much . While there is certainly corruption in the Democratic party , they don't even come remotely close to being as corrupt as the Republicans .
And Trump is by far the most corrupt and incompetent president in US history .
No one denied Brett Kavanaugh " due process ". This term refers to individuals who are accused of crimes and are indicted for crimes and tried in a court of law .
Kavanaugh had plenty of opportunity to deny the charges against him even though he was basically undergoing job interview, not criminal trial . The whole confirmation farce was dominated by commentators and others who were rabidly pro-Kavanaugh .
Christine Ford was subject to vicious slander of all kinds and all manner of dubious accusations were made against HER . Kavanaugh was not the one who was treated unfairly, and he was confirmed anyway . But Christine Ford had absolutely nothing to gain by accusing him and everything to lose .
If she had been proven to have lied , her career would have been over and ruined for good .
PJ media ? This is a totally biased , rabidly right-wing internet rag .
Whether Kavanaugh actually attempted sexual assault on Ford is still not known with any certainty . But his less than 100 % admirable behavior in life was certainly laid bare , and we now know that Ford is by no means the only woman whom he may have behaved improperly with .
Kavanaugh is not the knight in shining armor he was portrayed as by the right .

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i think she saw an opportunity to support her side and was willing to lie to do it

i think she expected that her side would support her and they did, bigly

i'm still puzzled at Horn's claim that "But Christine Ford had ... everything to lose"

any idea what he may have had in mind?

her job?
her home?
her life?

or is this probably just another of Horn's emotional outbursts that I shouldn't examine rationally?