Operation Rescue Nat'l -OSA- Report

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Operation Rescue Nat'l -OSA- Report

This is the show from Monday July 21st, 2008.


* Babies & Clinic Worker Saved: Bob Enyart had the honor of speaking at Operation Rescue National / Operation Save America's event in Atlanta Georgia and reported on the extraordinary events that happened because the Rev. Flip Benham is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and brought that message to the streets! One clinic worker, Monique, quit her longstanding job (re-assembling the dead bodies of aborted children to make sure no part was left inside the mother). Monique attended the evening OR rallies nightly and along with her friend James, trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation! Also, she ended up with a better paying job than the one she had just quit, and now doesn't have to receive blood money in her paycheck. Jo Scott and other Christians intervened and saved six babies scheduled to be killed at Planned Parenthood and other abortuaries!

* Security Workers Quit Clinic: two big men emerged from an abortion clinic and told the Operation Rescue protesters that they were quitting right then and there! Praise God!

* Protester Saved: A dozen pro-abortion protesters came onto church property and up against the windows surrounding the sanctuary the night that Bob spoke. Operation Rescue teenagers went out to engage them, and by the end of the evening, one protester prayed to trust in Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! The many conversions during the week included two hotel workers (from one of the hotels where the Christians were staying), one of whom was a Muslim. Praise God!

* Etc. Etc. Etc.: The Bible comes to life when leaders take the Gospel to the streets! It's not too late for you to join the outreach. Come to the next major gathering of anti-abortion street activists, hosted by American RTL's DNC Welcoming Committee, scheduled for the DNC in Denver, August 24-28!

* Help with ARTL's Sheets of Shame using Freecycle.org: Can you get seven sheets and send them to Denver for a major prolife project! Please help American RTL welcome the DNC to Denver this summer! They need 100 people to send them seven sheets each for a top secret project called the Sheets of Shame! Can you send any sheets? If you can't send seven, can you send one or two? Can you go to a second hand store? Can you call a hotel, hospital, nursing home, motel, jail, or ask some friends? To do a proper greeting, here's what...

ARTL's DNC Welcoming Committee needs:
-What: Sheets and more sheets
- Quantity: 700 sheets
- Color: white or light colored
- Style: flat, preferably; but fitted sheets ok
- Size: queen, preferably; but others ok, especially king
- Info: Office@AmericanRTL.org or 1-888-888-ARTL
Please bring or mail your sheets to:
American RTL
1535 Grant St #303
Denver CO 80203

* Please Help Bob with a Personhood Project: If you can, please volunteer to help Bob on one of these projects:
- Team131: if you're able to spend at least five hours at your PC helping with a vital online project!
- Travel: if you can travel outside the state, in June, July, or August, for a few days and cover your own expenses, Bob will be traveling on very important out-of-state missions in support of Colorado's personhood amendment effort! Would you like to go? If so, please let ARTL know at 1-888-888-ARTL!

Today's Resource: Have you heard about our new Bible Study of the entire Book of Judges, that presents the biblical teaching on treaties, the judiciary, and the best form of government, coming out soon on CD? Call to order Judges at 1-800-8Enyart and check out our many Bible Study resources!
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