Onan, and the Sins of Contraception and Masturbation

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In the passage of the death of Onan, the reason that God killed him was not because he did not fulfill his Levirate duty, since the Law of Moses does not require the death of a brother-in-law who does not wish to fulfill this duty, but because he had sexual relations and prevented conception. All sexual relations must always finish with a husband discharging inside his wife. In which case, not only does this passage reveal that all forms of contraception are evil, but also masturbation. Fore more on this study, along with scriptures, go to http://www.wisdomofgod.co/2017/03/04/onan-and-the-sins-of-contraception-and-masturbation/ .



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Goel: 1. to act as kinsman, do the part of next of kin, act as kinsman-redeemer by marrying brother's widow to beget a child for him.

BTW, goel is mentioned in Job, so it was an established ancient oriental duty.


I presume because of your "lol" you don't think contraception nor masturbation are evil.

Sir, you are taking this verse out of context and missing the point of it. The fact is, this verse is about THE RIGHT hand, but you have it mixed up with the wrong right hand.

Onan was the second man to wed Tamar. His older brother was killed by God for his wickedness. The reason I'm addressing this post is because God uses sex to teach deep truths. The book of Song of Songs is a romance from God to Israel and the Church of Grace (Members of Christ). You are on a masturbation rampage.

Well sport, You opened the door. Did you do such as a young lad? Most lads do. To instill human sexual shame with scripture is demonic. The devil shames people sexually! God doesn't! Adam and Eve were nude and commanded to reproduce like rabbits. Cloths didn't come in till the serpent! Get a clue!

Back to the point... Onans big bro was killed by God for being wicked. Then, Onan would have made a baby with Tamar, but it would have been recognized as his older brothers namesake by Semite tradition. He didn't like that so he pulled out of Tamar.

God struck him dead too! Why?

Ever read the lineage of Christ and trace it through scripture? See... Luke is Jesus's human, biological lineage. Guess who's in it? Tamar... !

Judah ends up fathering the child with a humorous and simultaneously disturbing plot. He thought Tamar was a hooker at the gates of the city.

After a LOL... I almost had you burned alive, Tamar moment...?!? The story goes on. Who do you think was tending that blood line? Did you know God chose Israel and set it apart for the purpose of the biological lineage of Jesus? Bet ya Judah is in the Lineage in the book of Luke!

Now... could you please keep your shaming and free time hobbies out of these threads!

Omar was about the literal RIGHT HAND OF GOD!!! JESUS CHRIST!!! So... wrong hand, wrong idea and shame on you for promoting sexual shame! Who made sex? Who made sex good?

Quit with your unbiblical, self righteous rants! If you come back with anything other than... EE... I read the Bible and the lineage of Jesus and you're correct... I'm sorry for making teenage boys that are Christians feel guilty for being teenage boys....

I don't care. Much like your OP topic... you're simply screwing yourself.


Well-known member
In the passage of the death of Onan, the reason that God killed him was not because he did not fulfill his Levirate duty, since the Law of Moses does not require the death of a brother-in-law who does not wish to fulfill this duty, but because he had sexual relations and prevented conception. All sexual relations must always finish with a husband discharging inside his wife. In which case, not only does this passage reveal that all forms of contraception are evil, but also masturbation. Fore more on this study, along with scriptures, go to http://www.wisdomofgod.co/2017/03/04/onan-and-the-sins-of-contraception-and-masturbation/ .

The Law of Moses doesn't require the death of one who masturbates either. This death was God's doing, not a human court acting according to the Law of Moses.

By the way- why do sexual things like this and homosexuality get so much interest? I don't see Christians getting all excited about eating pork- nor should they.


I identify as a Christian
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This is actually a topic you should discuss with your pastor or family counselor, not a on a public forum like this.
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