Old Ladies

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Old Ladies

This is the show from Monday December 21st, 2009.

By our US Constitution slavery is still legal. Did you know that? When we amended the constitution it did not say slavery is against the law. It said certain kinds of slavery are against the law. And only Bob Enyart Live knows that in the whole country. There is not another talk-show in the country that knows that and I know some pretty good talk-shows.


* Old Ladies! Why are there so many old ladies?

* The Personhood Movement Has Exploded Into 40 States! So please help the state personhood efforts get the signatures they need to re-criminalize abortion! If you live in:
- Colorado: could you help circulate the Personhood Colorado & Colorado RTL 2010 petition? If so, just click or call 303-753-9394.
- California: please visit the CA Human Life Amendment site to get a petition and start collecting signature for the Lord and for the innocent child!
- If you live in any other state, can you help to advance personhood via the 2010 ballot or in one of three different ways?
We all need your help!

Today's Resource: Consider doing your Christmas Shopping at the KGOV Store! Give the most entertaining, and uplifting, and educational gifts available! Your friends and family will not only be eternally grateful, but you will help Bob Enyart Live stay on the air and the Internet and continue to reach more people! So please call 1-888-8Enyart (836-9278) for help in selecting just the right gift for someone or just click on our KGOV Store!


New member
Hall of Fame
What's the point about slavery? You don't need to amend the constitution to end slavery, you don't need to amend the constitution to end abortion? Probably not, as that goes against the whole personhood agenda.
Just listen to the show!
I could, but it's late already.

The Graphite

New member
I gotta get me one of those slaves.

Oh wait, ... I'm already one, myself. Well, I have been, now and then.

We have a modified (and much gentler) form of indentured servitude, today. When you get into debt (like I foolishly did), and if you go too long without being able to pay that debt, you may reach a point where they can garnish your wages.

Which means that some of the professional work you do is for the person to whom you owe that debt. Part of the time, you're working for them, and it is taken directly from you; it is not given by you freely in payment. That is enforcement of the debt, directly from your labor. I've had that happen a couple of times, nothing major, primarily from the federal government itself (student loans).

On a related note, DO NOT GET INTO DEBT, and if you are in debt, GET OUT OF DEBT AND NEVER GO BACK. LIVE DEBT FREE!
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