"Obfuscated Attack Payload " on one of my posts !

The Horn

A few days ago, I was going to view one of my posts on a thread about alleged communists in America and at Theologyonline . But I couldn't, because there was a message from a website called sucuri.com informing me of something called " obfuscated attack payload ".
Huh ? I've never heard of this or this website before . So I went to this website and sent them a request to fix this problem, but have yet to receive an answer . Does anyone hear know anything about "obfuscated attack payload " or how this might have happened to me on this website ? I'd appreciate any help . Thanks .

Gary K

New member
A few days ago, I was going to view one of my posts on a thread about alleged communists in America and at Theologyonline . But I couldn't, because there was a message from a website called sucuri.com informing me of something called " obfuscated attack payload ".
Huh ? I've never heard of this or this website before . So I went to this website and sent them a request to fix this problem, but have yet to receive an answer . Does anyone hear know anything about "obfuscated attack payload " or how this might have happened to me on this website ? I'd appreciate any help . Thanks .

Yeah, this happens to me too. It happens on the Let's Out the Commies thread. At first it only happened if I clicked on a link to it from my user account. Now it happens when I click on page 2 of the thread no matter where I find the link. I haven't been able to figure out why, but I sent an email to the webmaster with a screenshot of the message. You might do the same thing as it will document the exact error and exactly where it occurs.

Securi has a lot to do with TOL's website. They provide security, backup, restoration of the website, and a bunch more inclucing hosting the site itself.


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This has happened to me also when clicking on the thread mentioned above made by John W.
Might check the title to see if it has any codes (or partial codes) in it that were somehow attached to one of the words in the title.

Not long ago there was similar problem with a thread PJ had started, and you fixed it.

I would post the thread link here, but when I click on it I get the error message, soooooo no can do.

Gary K

New member
Here is a link to the thread. I can access the first page of the thread, but not second, but then I modified how many posts will show up on a page so it's no longer the default number of posts that TOL sets. Where the problem post may be I'm not sure. But it seems as if it was in the title of the thread I wouldn't be able to access it at all.



I identify as a Christian
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​I tried to repair that thread with my cellphone. I will just delete that thread off of TOL.