Obama's Top Priority - all 10 of 'em
This is the show from Monday August 16th, 2010.
* Obama's Top Priority: (all ten of them)
* The Best List on the Internet for Gospel Presentations: Have you seen the ProlifeProfiles.com/Jesus report? It is the best web page on the entire Internet for listing Gospel presentations!
* Work with Bob Enyart for Amendment 62 Passage: Come on out with Bob Enyart Wednesday evenings at 5:30 and Saturday mornings at 7:30 to have a great time distributing Amendment 62 Talking Points literature. And for those in Colorado who want to help in another city or part of the state, check out these details!
Today's Resource: According to Brian Enyart, "My Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible brother's best Bible study resource is Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible. Learn how to use tools of interpretation as you study the Bible. And as importantly, Bob will discuss the principles involved for prioritizing these hermeneutics and how to decide which tool to use in which instance. So you can join Bob's Hermeneutics Seminar via CD and it's almost like you are there. Just click on the CD image label (or here) to enjoy our Bible seminar including the same notes handed out to the attendees and see the slides Bob displayed during this great event at Denver's historic Brown Palace. So you're invited to try out Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics teaching just by clicking or by calling the BEL studio at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278)!
This is the show from Monday August 16th, 2010.
* Obama's Top Priority: (all ten of them)
* The Best List on the Internet for Gospel Presentations: Have you seen the ProlifeProfiles.com/Jesus report? It is the best web page on the entire Internet for listing Gospel presentations!
* Work with Bob Enyart for Amendment 62 Passage: Come on out with Bob Enyart Wednesday evenings at 5:30 and Saturday mornings at 7:30 to have a great time distributing Amendment 62 Talking Points literature. And for those in Colorado who want to help in another city or part of the state, check out these details!
Today's Resource: According to Brian Enyart, "My Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible brother's best Bible study resource is Hermeneutics: Tools for Studying the Bible. Learn how to use tools of interpretation as you study the Bible. And as importantly, Bob will discuss the principles involved for prioritizing these hermeneutics and how to decide which tool to use in which instance. So you can join Bob's Hermeneutics Seminar via CD and it's almost like you are there. Just click on the CD image label (or here) to enjoy our Bible seminar including the same notes handed out to the attendees and see the slides Bob displayed during this great event at Denver's historic Brown Palace. So you're invited to try out Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics teaching just by clicking or by calling the BEL studio at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278)!