Obama's latest felony

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Technically, this is treason and is punishable by the Constitution. He let an al-qaeda leader go back.

He was a Guantanamo Bay detainee captured on the fields of jihad. He was ordered to be released. This is like Nazis let go after the Nuremberg trials.

The Horn

How do you know this prisoner is actually dangerous or that Obama is even responsible for this ? You're jumping to conclusions .


Obama's latest felony

Does this line of thinking also make George W Bush one of history's greatest mass murderers, not only for the deaths of 4500 young Americans, but for the 100 000's of Iraqi men, women and children who were killed as a result of his decision to invade Iraq - based on those non-existent "weapons of mass destruction?"
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Right Divider

Body part
Obama's latest felony

Does this line of thinking not also make George W Bush one of history's greatest mass murderers, not only for the deaths of 4500 young Americans but for the 100 000's of Iraqi men, women and children who were killed as a result of his decision to invade Iraq - based on those non-existent "weapons of mass destruction?"
Yes.... so what's your point?


New member
How do you know this prisoner is actually dangerous or that Obama is even responsible for this ? You're jumping to conclusions .


SURE; - that's ISIS Crap!! - And You're MORE "L-E-F-T" than Right - I SEE!!! - That means you're More Communist; which is ISIS, and NOT American, but a Phony So Called "american"!!!

How many deaths is OBAMA Responsible for Now?? - How many Thousands???? - Who else is Responsible for the Corruption, and Falling of America in the Past 8 years, other than ""O-B-A-M-A""????!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see how much you can Lie as an ISIS!!!!!

(( Watch Y-O-U-R -- N-E-W-S ))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 121215

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
How do you know this prisoner is actually dangerous

He is an al-qaeda leader in Yemen right now.

Obama is even responsible for this ?

This is why you don't purge threads except the useless junk. I might have to try the wayback machine to see the The Horn comment about everything being Bush's fault. It is Obama's fault because he wanted him released you nincompoop.

Mocking You

New member
A yearlong investigation by the House Armed Services Committee has concluded that the Obama administration broke the law in swapping five Taliban members for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl — and went out of its way to hide the negotiations as they were happening.

The report said the administration broke a law requiring it to give members of Congress 30 days' advance notice of any detainee transfers from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility, where the senior Taliban leaders were held.

It also found that it misled reporters and lawmakers about a potential prisoner exchange. Congress was instead notified just hours before the May 2014 transfer took place.

Last year, the non-partisan Government Accountability Office also found that the Obama administration violated the law on the Bergdahl swap.


Mocking You

New member
"On average, about a third of the people who have been released from Guantanamo we have evidence have re-engaged," Mac Thornberry, House Armed Services Chairman said. "Now, we don't know how many we don't have evidence for."

White House spokesman Josh Earnest gave a different figure during Thursday's daily press briefing.

"Any report about a former Gitmo detainee re-engaging in the fight would be a source of significant concern and something that we would take quite seriously," Earnest said. "Based on what we know so far, more than 90 percent of those who have been transferred from Guantanamo Bay have not re-engaged in the fight."
"Ninety percent is clearly wrong," Thornberry said. "He must be defining it in some particular timeframe that I don't understand. … Secondly, there is a lot of concern by members of Congress that the Taliban Five that were traded for [Sgt. Bowe] Bergdahl may have re-engaged as well. There's a pattern here that these are dangerous folks and if you're trying to get them out of Guantanamo, at any cost, you are increasing the danger to the country."


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court"

patrick jane


SURE; - that's ISIS Crap!! - And You're MORE "L-E-F-T" than Right - I SEE!!! - That means you're More Communist; which is ISIS, and NOT American, but a Phony So Called "american"!!!

How many deaths is OBAMA Responsible for Now?? - How many Thousands???? - Who else is Responsible for the Corruption, and Falling of America in the Past 8 years, other than ""O-B-A-M-A""????!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see how much you can Lie as an ISIS!!!!!

(( Watch Y-O-U-R -- N-E-W-S ))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 121215

So, the planet is 8 years old ?


Well-known member

SURE; - that's ISIS Crap!! - And You're MORE "L-E-F-T" than Right - I SEE!!! - That means you're More Communist; which is ISIS, and NOT American, but a Phony So Called "american"!!!

How many deaths is OBAMA Responsible for Now?? - How many Thousands???? - Who else is Responsible for the Corruption, and Falling of America in the Past 8 years, other than ""O-B-A-M-A""????!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see how much you can Lie as an ISIS!!!!!

(( Watch Y-O-U-R -- N-E-W-S ))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 121215

When you're right, you're right. Good post.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Here is a related story that helped lead directly to 14 murders and dozens wounded. It is before the attacks.

Citing insider White House sources, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson dropped a bombshell during an interview with Steve Malzberg.

Attkisson said President Obama has come to the point where he will not even listen to intelligence reports on certain Islamic terror groups – groups that are listed by the U.S. State Department as involved in international terror against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims around the world.

Attkisson is a former CBS journalist who left that organization after it stifled many of her investigative reports. She now heads up the independent Internet news site Full Measure.
