Obama: "We got Democrats in charge of the machines."

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
“When you suggest rigging or fraud without a shred of evidence, when last night at the debate, Trump becomes the first major party nominee in American history to suggest that he will not concede despite losing…that is not a joking matter,” Obama added.

In this video, the Kenyan Socialist warned of rigged elections Back in 2008:

Leftists always accuse their enemies of what they themselves do, or would do if they gained enough power. Every time, without fail.

I was thinking about that yesterday, regarding the Catholic "heretic" shtick they try to pull off against Protestant Bible believers, when they are the ones who've horribly corrupted the gospel, have a Catechism replete with all sorts of lies, doctrines of demons, they call "tradition," yet it's the Protestants, at least those who subscribe to the pure word of God of the Holy Bible, who are the heretics? In fact, do things get any dumber than that, if anybody would think about it for a couple seconds? You’re a heretic, if you subscribe to holy scripture, the true teachings of the Lord, alone? A heretic, if you subscribe to the sum total of the teachings of the Lord Jesus and the apostles of God’s holy word, sans Catholicism's conflicting lies and corruptions? Which is, in fact, heresy: the Bible, or their lies? Is the answer to that rocket science? A bit of the old pot calling the kettle black, as usual? Yes, they are, in fact, the heretics, projecting their very own evil on others, just as political liberals do their evils.

And think of the Catholic “fruits,” the generations of Satanic mayhem, John 8:44, the oppression, the countless torture murders, simply pure evil these devils have been responsible for, and the Protestant is the heretic? Hundreds of years of very Satanic crimes against humanity and lies they’ve whipped up and call doctrine, and they whine about people being anti-Catholic? When they’ve had nothing but murderous, hateful contempt for any true child of Christ who doesn’t subscribe to their dark cult, authentic Christians, guilty of actually following the faith of the first century church? To this day, these morons will use the word heretic with no shame, have learned nothing, just as dark and deceptive as they’ve always been. And look at Francis, getting cozy with Muslims and Allah, Islam a textbook antichrist religion that denies the Son of God, 1 John 2:22. Francis is an evil horse’s rear, leading his flock off the cliff. They can call that hateful, call it anything they want, but that’s the God honest truth. The Lord rebuke them! Every time Francis opens his mouth, I’m reminded of why I’m a Protestant and thank the Lord for the truth of His word that rebukes such false prophets and religious fakery, all day long.

Yes, very often, when you have a slanderer, they are, in fact, those guilty of their own accusations. And there is a reason for this. The corrupt and evil mind believes others are like minded in their narcissism, so they project their own evil on others, thinking other people are likewise twisted in their thinking, therefore the lies will resonate as credible. What's worse, they group around their lies, form a clique, like flies attracted to a pile of the unmentionable and breeding in it. Before long, voila, you have an evil cult of like minded, Satanic psychos.

All cults are united in their lies and evil, ironic how they believe this makes them special in a Godly sense, united in dark lies and delusions, while claiming to be the “true church.” It is very truly a matter of, in the case of all slander, “It takes one to know one.” Lastly, the word “devil” even means “slanderer.”

Tell you what, all you mackeral snapping false accusers: I, for one, am not the heretic. And you can take that to the bank, then straight to hell. You spend your entire lives demeaning true Bible believing Christians. I tire of it, and it's long past time you get off that high horse of your Roman cult, which is, in fact, a jackass that you have much too much blinding hubris to recognize as such.


New member
Hall of Fame
I watched the video. I don't think he warned people about a rigged election. He was asked a question about it. I'm not really sure what he meant by having Democrats in control of the machines but then he said that any group in power, Republican or Democrats, will try to swing things in their favor and talked about having a non-partisan group to ensure integrity. There is a world of difference between his answer there and what Trump has done.


Well-known member
I was thinking about that yesterday, regarding the Catholic "heretic" shtick they try to pull off against Protestant Bible believers, when they are the ones who've horribly corrupted the gospel, have a Catechism replete with all sorts of lies, doctrines of demons, they call "tradition," yet it's the Protestants, at least those who subscribe to the pure word of God of the Holy Bible, who are the heretics? In fact, do things get any dumber than that, if anybody would think about it for a couple seconds? You’re a heretic, if you subscribe to holy scripture, the true teachings of the Lord, alone? A heretic, if you subscribe to the sum total of the teachings of the Lord Jesus and the apostles of God’s holy word, sans Catholicism's conflicting lies and corruptions? Which is, in fact, heresy: the Bible, or their lies? Is the answer to that rocket science? A bit of the old pot calling the kettle black, as usual? Yes, they are, in fact, the heretics, projecting their very own evil on others, just as political liberals do their evils.

And think of the Catholic “fruits,” the generations of Satanic mayhem, John 8:44, the oppression, the countless torture murders, simply pure evil these devils have been responsible for, and the Protestant is the heretic? Hundreds of years of very Satanic crimes against humanity and lies they’ve whipped up and call doctrine, and they whine about people being anti-Catholic? When they’ve had nothing but murderous, hateful contempt for any true child of Christ who doesn’t subscribe to their dark cult, authentic Christians, guilty of actually following the faith of the first century church? To this day, these morons will use the word heretic with no shame, have learned nothing, just as dark and deceptive as they’ve always been. And look at Francis, getting cozy with Muslims and Allah, Islam a textbook antichrist religion that denies the Son of God, 1 John 2:22. Francis is an evil horse’s rear, leading his flock off the cliff. They can call that hateful, call it anything they want, but that’s the God honest truth. The Lord rebuke them! Every time Francis opens his mouth, I’m reminded of why I’m a Protestant and thank the Lord for the truth of His word that rebukes such false prophets and religious fakery, all day long.

Yes, very often, when you have a slanderer, they are, in fact, those guilty of their own accusations. And there is a reason for this. The corrupt and evil mind believes others are like minded in their narcissism, so they project their own evil on others, thinking other people are likewise twisted in their thinking, therefore the lies will resonate as credible. What's worse, they group around their lies, form a clique, like flies attracted to a pile of the unmentionable and breeding in it. Before long, voila, you have an evil cult of like minded, Satanic psychos.

All cults are united in their lies and evil, ironic how they believe this makes them special in a Godly sense, united in dark lies and delusions, while claiming to be the “true church.” It is very truly a matter of, in the case of all slander, “It takes one to know one.” Lastly, the word “devil” even means “slanderer.”

Tell you what, all you mackeral snapping false accusers: I, for one, am not the heretic. And you can take that to the bank, then straight to hell. You spend your entire lives demeaning true Bible believing Christians. I tire of it, and it's long past time you get off that high horse of your Roman cult, which is, in fact, a jackass that you have much too much blinding hubris to recognize as such.

I recall the morning after the 2012 election that exit polling indicated even MORE Catholics and Mormons voted for Obama the 2nd time than did the first. Yet many conservatives (of all stripes) blamed Bible believers for boycotting Romney, thereby re-handing the White House to Obama, when I knew not one person in my church who didn't vote for him, or at least vote against Obama. And I've heard LOTS of fundamental type Bible believers since then who insist they did vote against Obama. And I believe them. Yet to this very day, we still get blamed.

As time goes on, I become more convinced that the spirituall outworking of those who have believed false gospels becomes more evident in all areas of life. Politics is only one of these areas.
I recall the morning after the 2012 election that exit polling indicated even MORE Catholics and Mormons voted for Obama the 2nd time than did the first. Yet many conservatives (of all stripes) blamed Bible believers for boycotting Romney when I knew not one person in my church who didn't vote for him, or at least vote against Obama.

Good point and important illustration of something that goes to wisdom. That's the pernicious nature of slander, that it seems most people never pause to fact check anything or think about it, as you did in your illustration. Aside from checking against the word of God and the faith in religious matters, people will generally believe vicious slander of others, most often spread behind innocent peoples' backs, and never fact check it, at all. So many don't simply stop and think, of all sorts of slander, "Hey! That doesn't add up!" Many people, many, are too gullible this way, and the devil exploits this and the herd instinct to the max.

Matthew 5:11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

As time goes on, I become more convinced that the spirituall outworking of those who have believed false gospels becomes more evident in all areas of life. Politics is only one of these areas.

Amen, me too! As time goes on, this has been one of the most horrifying realizations, coming off the optimism and tolerance of foolish youth, could say that wakeup call that, as they say, you can't be a little pregnant. I have always thought of it that, if the Holy Spirit leads into all truth, John 16:13, how is it so many so-called believers have a lifelong subscription to lies? Then, lo and behold, there's also this rotten fruit you keep finding, hanging from their tree, Matthew 7:18. It becomes of matter that, bottom line, two plus two doesn't equal five, never did.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond