NY Times columnist praises Trump for winning against ISIS

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Not long ago the socialist Kenyan coward Obama was letting ISIS win. Trump said he would bomb the hell out of ISIS and Trump has pulled victory from the jaws of defeat:

NY Times columnist praises Trump for winning against ISIS, hits media for not giving credit

".....Ross Douthat, who previously endorsed Hillary Clinton, wrote that the Trump administration surprised him in foreign policy, namely in the war on ISIS that Trump has won.

“If you had told me in late 2016 that almost a year into the Trump era the caliphate would be all-but-beaten without something far worse happening in the Middle East, I would have been surprised and gratified,” Douthat wrote in an column titled “A War Trump Won.”

Douthat wrote that Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq – which he calls “the defining foreign policy calamity of Barack Obama’s second term” – were effectively routed by Trump without the need of a massive ground troop invasion and without getting into a war with Russia or Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Douthat wrote that it is a “press failure” for succumbing to “the narrative of Trumpian disaster” and ignoring the story......."

The Barbarian

Not long ago the socialist Kenyan coward Obama was letting ISIS win.

Oct 17, 2016
ISIS' caliphate is shrinking, and the terror group is about to lose one of its biggest cities
SIS is likely close to losing its Iraq capital, and it's indicative of a larger problem for the terrorist group — analysis from the IHS Conflict Monitor shows that ISIS' territory has been shrinking for the past two years with no sufficient gains to make up for it.

It goes against ISIS' core message of "remaining and expanding" and indicates that the group is on the defensive in the Middle East.

IHS found that ISIS' so-called "caliphate" shrunk 16% in the first nine months of 2016 and 14% in 2015.
Now Iraqi forces have begun the long-awaited operation to liberate Mosul, ISIS' stronghold in Iraq. It's the most significant city the group holds aside from Raqqa, ISIS' de-facto capital in Syria.

In Iraq, ISIS' territory has shrunk from 40% of the country at its peak to roughly 10% now.

The group might have difficulty recruiting in light of its recent record of losses. When ISIS was first seizing territory across Iraq and Syria, thousands flocked to join its Islamic State amid the excitement of its rapid growth. But now ISIS' reason for existing — establishing a caliphate governed by its strict Islamic laws — seems to be under threat.

List of ISIS leaders taken out by Obama:
Abu Muhammad Adnani Drone Strike
Adnani was deeply involved in the Sunni Muslim militant group’s larger operational strategies and served as its spokesman, creating a propaganda machine that has attracted foreign recruits from all over the globe.

Hafiz Saeed Khan Drone Strike
The State Department last year designated Khan a global terrorist, saying he is the leader of Islamic State in Khorasan, which includes former members of the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban. Khan had previously been a Tehrik-e Taliban commander, but last year pledged loyalty to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Baghdadi.

Rahman Mustafa Qaduli, a.k.a. Abu Ala Afri Raid by U.S. forces in Syria
Qaduli was an influential finance minister for Islamic State and a close advisor to the group's leader, Abu Bakr Baghdadi. He was a key player in Islamic State's military and financial operations, according to the Pentagon.

Abu Nabil, a.k.a. Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi Air Strike in Libya
Nabil led Islamic State in Libya and was a longtime Al Qaeda figure. He was killed during a F-15 jet strike targeted at his compound in eastern Libya

‘Jihadi John’ Mohammed Emwazi Drone strike
The 27-year-old British citizen was given the moniker “Jihadi John” after he appeared in videos announcing the killing of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well as the slaying of American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, and Japanese journalist Kenji

Ali Awni Harzi Air Strike
Tunisian-born Harzi was a suspect in the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attack, which resulted in the deaths of four Americans. His brother, Tariq Harzi, was known as the “emir of suicide bombers” for orchestrating hundreds of suicide bombings among jihadists.

How many ISIS leaders did Trump get? Yes, I know it's an unfair question; there weren't that many left by the time Trump took office. Same reason it's unfair to ask how many cities were liberated after Trump took office. Weren't that many left to liberate, were there?

By the time Trump took office, ISIS was reeling in full retreat everywhere. They lost all the cities they captures in Iraq, their fighters were being rapidly killed off, and their finances were drying up.

Trump is like the rooster who thinks he makes the sun rise by crowing.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
More Obama propaganda from Barbara. Most of your garbage post is about killing individuals. Killing a handful of individuals does not win a war. Go peddle your ignorance and stupidity somewhere else. It is a known fact, especially known by the military, that Trump turned things around.

The Barbarian

More Obama propaganda from Barbara.

Those are just facts; feel free to show me one of them that isn't true. And yes,I'm impressed that you're angry enough to call names. You should realize that while it might feel better for you at the moment, in the long run, it really works against you. Everyone watches and makes judgements on stuff like that.

Most of your garbage post is about killing individuals.

Taking out the leaders was a highly effective strategy. So much so, that the surviving leaders became paranoid and suspicious, and tried to hide themselves, thus reducing their effectiveness as well. In some cases, they even started executing their fellow fighters on suspicion of giving Obama the intelligence he needed to get them.

But that wasn't all. As you see on the map, ISIS suffered huge territorial losses, primarily because of US air support for Kurdish and Christian militias and Iraqi allies.

In fact, Trump's plan was remarkably like Obama's:

Donald Trump promised during the campaign to implement a "secret plan" to defeat ISIS, including a pledge to "bomb the hell out of" the terror group in Iraq and Syria.

Now, the Pentagon has given him a secret plan, but it turns out to be a little more than an "intensification" of the same slow and steady approach that Trump derided under the Obama administration, two senior officials who have reviewed the document told NBC News.

The plan calls for continued bombing; beefing up support and assistance to local forces to retake its Iraqi stronghold Mosul and ultimately the ISIS capital of Raqqa in Syria; drying up ISIS’s sources of income; and stabilizing the areas retaken from ISIS, the officials say.


Give him credit for doing what Obama did. He let the generals figure out how to do it. It's one of the few things Trump actually got right.

Killing a handful of individuals does not win a war.

So you think taking out Yamamoto in WWII had not effect? The Japanese would argue differently. So would thousands of Marines.

Go peddle your ignorance and stupidity somewhere else.

I realize you didn't know these things. But now you do. Sulking won't change it.

It is a known fact, especially known by the military, that Trump turned things around.

Odd then that when he asked for a plan, they came up with the same one Obama had.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Trump is correct as usual:


.........Trump said that the military “just started winning” under his leadership, and he credited military leaders for taking his signals and running with them.

“I let the colonels and the majors and the all of them -- the captains -- that's what they do. They graduate, they're smart, they're tough, and they do their job. They don't have to call me to get approval to go into battle,” he said.........


Trump let them military do their job and that's all it took. The Kenyan socialist never let the military win.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Real footage:
Donald Trump Bombs ISIS in Afghanistan with the M.O.A.B.

(That would have made the Kenyan pee his pants)

By the way Barbara, nobody cares about your fake news propagandas


The Barbarian


Trump is correct as usual:


.........Trump said that the military “just started winning” under his leadership, and he credited military leaders for taking his signals and running with them.

“I let the colonels and the majors and the all of them -- the captains -- that's what they do. They graduate, they're smart, they're tough, and they do their job. They don't have to call me to get approval to go into battle,” he said.........


Trump let them military do their job and that's all it took.

In this case the military's plan was to continue Obama's plan:

'The strategy hasn't changed at all' — Trump's plan to defeat ISIS is the same as Obama's

The Kenyan socialist never let the military win.

Turns out, Trump did something right for a change. He kept Obama's plan, which was (as you learned earlier) highly effective.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison



"The U.S.-led coalition and its allies have wrestled almost a third of territory from the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) because of changes implemented by President Trump and his administration, a senior U.S. official said on Friday.

Brett McGurk, the special presidential envoy for the global coalition to defeat ISIS, in a briefing with reporters said that Trump’s strategy in the battle against the jihadist group in Iraq and Syria had “dramatically accelerated” progress in the campaign.

“Nearly 30 percent of all the territory that has been retaken from ISIS—about 20,000 square kilometers—has actually happened in the last six months,” he said.

Iraqi forces battling ISIS in northern Iraq last month declared victory in the northern city of Mosul after a nine-month slog in the intense and right urban landscape of Iraq’s second city. Now, a Kurdish-Arab coalition known as the Syrian Democratic Forces has liberated almost half of the eastern Syrian city of Raqqa, the stronghold that acted as the group’s de facto capital for more than three years and served as the site of the filmed executions of U.S. journalists James Foley and Stephen Sotloff.

“As you know, the campaign against Mosul is now finished and in Raqqa, which I’ll talk to in more detail, about 45 percent of Raqqa is now cleared,” he continued. “This is due to some key changes that were put in place very early on—three changes—initiatives from President Trump.”

Listing them, the envoy said that the key factors were the Trump administration’s delegation of key decision-making to battlefield commanders, the tactic of “annihilation” in which the ground forces surround the group in its stronghold so foreign fighters cannot escape, and drumming up support for burden-sharing among 73 members—69 countries and four international organizations—of the broad anti-ISIS coalition.............."

The Barbarian

Thank goodness Trump decided to keep Obama's policy in place. As you know, ISIS lost most of their leaders, fighters, and territory before the election. So when Trump asked the Pentagon for a new plan, they gave him the same one they had before:

The strategy hasn't changed at all' — Trump's plan to defeat ISIS is the same as Obama's

Specifically, targeted bombing of the enemy in coordination with our allies on the ground, along with a large coalition put together by Barack Obama to fight ISIS:

Isis were defeated in Mosul because of Barack Obama's training strategies, says Pentagon official

Coalition advisors have trained the Iraqi military since 2015

Pictures of the Iraqi soldiers celebrating their defeat of Isis in Mosul marked a milestone in the fight against the Islamist group but it was also a victory for Barack Obama's strategy in the region, a senior Pentagon official has said.

While the Iraqi armed forces staged an exhausting nine-month siege around the city of Mosul, the US-led air campaign in Iraq and Syria initiated by the former president appears to have proved successful in weakening Isis forces.

The US and its allies, including but not limited to the UK, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Turkey, also provided continual training and advised proxy local forces without sending their own troops into action.

One senior US military official who was deployed to Iraq from 2015 said the "training worked".

"It has enabled the Iraqis to take back their country," he said.

In 2014, when Isis invaded Iraq, security forces in the country were weak and seemed unable to cope with the Isis threat.

Before the coalition came in to provide training, an officer speaking to the AFP said Iraqi troops would often run without a fight, abandoning US-provided weaponry "surprising even Isis".

"We needed an army that could fight conventionally," the officer said.

Last week, Donald Trump reportedly rejected the US military's plan for tackling Isis because it was too similar to Barack Obama's. Reports said the White House had asked officials to come up with new proposals in order to show Mr Trump's different approach to his predecessor.

This came as Iraqi forces were confident they were driving out Isis from its Mosul stronghold and opposition forces also surrounded an Isis bastion in the city of Raqqa in Syria.

Fifty Isis leaders are reported to have been killed by US special forces since Mr Trump took office in January, fewer than the 80 assassinated in the last six months of Mr Obama's presidency.


To be fair to Trump, there weren't that many ISIS leaders left alive, and far fewer ISIS fighters by the time he took office.

And give him credit for following Obama's policies.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
A lesson in fake news and the perversion of news

The Hill

We are finally beating ISIS, but media won't give Trump credit
>> http://thehill.com/opinion/white-ho...beating-isis-but-media-wont-give-trump-credit

"ISIS — and particularly its expanding caliphate — used to be a major news story in this country. Defeating the terror army that largely stretched across Syria and Iraq was a major campaign topic in 2016.

So one would think, after the ISIS de facto capital of Raqqa was liberated from the terror group by U.S-backed Syrian and Kurdish forces on Tuesday, that the story would dominate news coverage.

But it didn't. Not even close.

Need proof? Check out the breakdown of 48 questions asked during Wednesday's White House press briefing, the first to be held since Raqqa fell less than 24 hours prior.

But before doing so, please note that White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders made the liberation of Raqqa the focus of her statement to the press before the Q&A session began.

"As many of you will recall, one of President Trump's core campaign promises was to defeat ISIS. With the stunning fall of Mosul in June, and now with ISIS nearly eradicated from Raqqa, it is clear that ISIS's so-called caliphate is crumbling across Iraq and Syria," Sanders said.

"This eminent victory by the global coalition and our brave service members comes at a high cost," she continued, "particularly to the Syrian Democratic Forces who suffered many casualties as they fought to liberate their own country from the oppression of ISIS."

So that was what Sanders attempted to make the administration's lede. And it's a worthy one. That's not saying it should dictate what reporters should ask, of course, but one would think the topic would be broached in the form of a question in at least the first 40 questions asked.

It did not.

Here's what the White House press corps decided the narrative would be on Wednesday instead.

Topic most covered: controversy over President Trump's delay in contacting service members killed in action after an ambush in Niger/feud with Democratic congresswoman over remarks made to one KIA soldier's family. That got 25 questions total out of 48 total questions asked.

Coming in second were questions on tax reform/tax cuts (6 questions), followed by health care (3), California wildfires (2), James Comey (2), 20-week abortion ban (1), Fed chair appointment (1), opioid epidemic (1), renewable fuel standards during conversation with Iowa governor (1), NFL anthem protests (1), bump-stock ban (1), Puerto Rico (1), NAFTA (1), Kurdish plan for independence from Iraq (1).

The 48rd and final question concerned the ISIS fall in Raqqa. It came from Trey Yingst of One America News Network, a right-leaning cable news network headquartered in San Diego............."


More Obama propaganda from Barbara. Most of your garbage post is about killing individuals. Killing a handful of individuals does not win a war. Go peddle your ignorance and stupidity somewhere else. It is a known fact, especially known by the military, that Trump turned things around.

The Barbarian

It's a good sign that Trump listened to the Pentagon and continued Obama's strategy for fighting ISIS. He's come a long way from the time when he bragged that he knew more about fighting wars than the generals do.

So give him credit for doing something right.

The strategy hasn't changed at all' — Trump's plan to defeat ISIS is the same as Obama's