Nurse maria is in j... in ja... in WHERE?
Friday September 29th, 2006. This is show #195.
* BEL Medical Analyst in Jail: from the perspective of providing medical care for inmates, Nurse Maria tells of the absurdity of incarceration for punishment.
Today's Resource: Watch Bob's God and the Death Penalty video on VHS or DVD to learn how to rebut the standard arguments against execution, and also, to see all the powerful New Testament support for capital punishment!
Friday September 29th, 2006. This is show #195.
* BEL Medical Analyst in Jail: from the perspective of providing medical care for inmates, Nurse Maria tells of the absurdity of incarceration for punishment.
Today's Resource: Watch Bob's God and the Death Penalty video on VHS or DVD to learn how to rebut the standard arguments against execution, and also, to see all the powerful New Testament support for capital punishment!