Numerology: Zarqawi + 72; 666; etc.

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Numerology: Zarqawi + 72; 666; etc.

Thursday June 8th, 2006. This is show # 114.

* Two U.S. Air force F-16 fighters dropped two 500-pound bombs on al-Zarkawi, the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq! Now he’s in the afterlife with 72 Virginians whompin' on ‘em, George Washington and the rest of 'em (turns out a Koran translation error led Jihadists to think they'd get 72 virgins). Iraq’s government supported and funded terrorism, including openly paying $25,000 for each successful suicide bombing of Jewish men, women and children, thus it was justified for another nation to destroy that government.
* Switzerland announced today that it thwarted a planned terroist attack on an Israeli El Al airplane.
* In the Bible, why is three a divine number, and six the number of man? And consider what Scripture indicates regarding numbers 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 12, 30, 33, 40, and 666!
Today's Resource: To hear Bob's fascinating Bible album titled Genesis: The Fall (including our fun Friday the 13th study!) order online or call 800-836-9278!


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First of all the US does not have any mutual defense treaties with Israel (thankfully) and Saddam Hussein was totally disarmed of his WMD's during Operations Desert Storm and Operations Desert Shield. It should also be noted we helped him attain his WMD's he used in the Iran-Iraq war. Secondly during the 1980's the CIA sent billions of dollars in aid to Afghanistan to fund and train the Taliban and al-Qaeda to resist Russian invaders. Third, al-Qaeda had nothing to do with the regime of Saddam Hussein. Fourth, Saddam Hussein posed no threat to Isreal, we already destroyed all his WMD's over a decade ago and Hussein wouldn't ever have used any chemical or biological weapons against US or coalition forces because he was fearful of retaliation.

We haven't invaded Iraq because Saddam was a terrorist, because he harbored terrorists, or because he had WMD's. We invaded Iraq because Saddam was going to switch to the Euro for oil transactions and our massively inflated dollar would collapse if more countries started doing the same. We also went there to make sure that too much oil doesn't make its way onto the market.

If America really wanted to stop terrorist activities, it would have followed JFK's lead and dismantled the CIA.

Hussein was a certified piece of garbage, but he was a simple piece of garbage that could have been disposed of without occupying his country and spraying tons of radiologically poisonous depleted uranium everywhere. He didn't have any real weapons. He was no threat to Israel, which has hundreds of nuclear weapons.

Even if it was Godly to take out Saddam, it wasn't Godly how and why we did it. 9-11 was an inside job, just like Hitler's Reichstag, and this admistration will use it to declare war on whatever country it wants. If you don't believe that, just read Operation Northwoods.

NORAD had to stand down to let the attacks of 9-11 happen. WTC 7 fell for no reason. Traces of thermite were found in WTC metal samples found in peace parks. Congress didn't read the Patriot Act before it was passed. Bush was on Cipro before the anthrax attacks began. Only 3 steel and concrete buildings have ever collapsed from fire, and they all did it on a summer day 5 years ago.

When you celebrate Zarqawi's death you celebrate the lies of this administration. You celebrate the police state that is becoming of America. You celebrate the Pan American Union. You celebrate the Amero. You celebrate the National ID. You celebrate Halliburton and the military industrial complex. You celebrate the oil companies that are fleecing Americans. You celebrate the inhuman treatment of detainees, and you celebrate the poisoning of the Middle East and our servicemen.

There's a reason why there are so many insurgents in Iraq, it is because our medicine is seen by many as being worse than the disease.

<edit>Oh. By the way, my nickname, bobzero, has nothing to do with Bob Enyart's name, I chose it for other reasons. I'm a fan of Bob's show, I just disagree with him on some things. I also own The Plot.</edit>
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bobzero said:
I'm a fan of Bob's show, I just disagree with him on some things.
As do I. Not many things. But a few. Welcome to TOL. :wave:
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