NRA/Russian timeline so far...

The Barbarian

Here’s what’s known about Moscow’s courtship of the NRA, and the NRA’s subsequent role as a venue for Russian overtures to the Trump campaign.


G. Kline Preston, a conservative lawyer in Nashville with business connections to Russia, introduces then-NRA president David Keene to Torshin, a powerful senator in Russia and close to President Vladimir Putin. Torshin, who styles himself as a gun enthusiast, is a lifetime NRA member. Around this time, Torshin’s young female aide, Maria Butina, creates Right to Bear Arms, a Russian version of the NRA and the first group of its kind in the country.
Fall 2013

Butina and Torshin host Keene and other American gun rights advocates at the Right to Bear Arms annual meeting in Moscow. Two hundred people take part in the event, the Washington Post will note, which includes a fashion show featuring clothes that have tailor-made pockets meant to conceal handguns. Around the same time, pish authorities build a case against Torshin for allegedly laundering money through pish banks and properties for the Russian mob. (Torshin has denied any connections to organized crime.)
April 2014

Butina and Torshin attend the NRA’s annual meeting in Indianapolis, where Butina is treated as a VIP. She presents a plaque to then-NRA president Jim Porter, and appears at one of the group’s events as a guest of David Keene. She is also asked to address attendees at the Ring of Freedom dinner, a special banquet that honors individuals who make high-dollar contributions to the NRA.
December 2015

Torshin is appointed as a deputy governor of the Russian central bank. Meanwhile, the Right to Bear Arms hosts NRA figures in Russia for a second time. Those making the trip include Keene; NRA board member Pete Brownell (who is now serving as NRA president); Joe Gregory, head of the NRA program for donors who give $1 million or more; and NRA benefactor Dr. Arnold Goldschlager and his daughter, NRA Women’s Leadership Forum executive committee member Hilary Goldschalger. Also along for the junket is then-Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, a controversial gun rights icon. While in Russia, Brownell and Keene are photographed with Dmitry Rogozin, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia who is also an NRA supporter.
May 2016

Paul Erickson, a veteran Republican operative and NRA member with access to both the group’s leaders and officials in the Russian government, emails Rick Dearborn, a Trump campaign advisor. Erickson is looking to facilitate a “first contact” meeting between the campaign and Torshin at the upcoming spring convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Trump will be featured as a speaker and receive the NRA’s early endorsement for president. Erickson writes, “The Kremlin believes that the only possibility of a true reset in this relationship would be with a new Republican in the White House.” The meeting never takes place. But at the convention, which occurs later in the month, Torshin shares a dinner table with Donald Trump Jr.
November 2016

Butina, now a graduate student at American University, in Washington, D.C., hosts a birthday party attended by Erickson and Trump campaign aides. At the event, she claims that she was involved in communications between Russia and the campaign, according to the Daily Beast.

The investigation into Russian election meddling gathers steam, following revelations of multiple contacts between Trump campaign staffers and Russian officials, and of a wide-ranging Russian effort to sow discord and boost the candidacy of the Republican nominee. If the NRA used Russian money to help finance its efforts in support of Donald Trump, it would be a violation of American election laws and likely cause serious reputational damage to a group that claims to defend American freedom.

Gary K

New member
Here’s what’s known about Moscow’s courtship of the NRA, and the NRA’s subsequent role as a venue for Russian overtures to the Trump campaign.


G. Kline Preston, a conservative lawyer in Nashville with business connections to Russia, introduces then-NRA president David Keene to Torshin, a powerful senator in Russia and close to President Vladimir Putin. Torshin, who styles himself as a gun enthusiast, is a lifetime NRA member. Around this time, Torshin’s young female aide, Maria Butina, creates Right to Bear Arms, a Russian version of the NRA and the first group of its kind in the country.
Fall 2013

Butina and Torshin host Keene and other American gun rights advocates at the Right to Bear Arms annual meeting in Moscow. Two hundred people take part in the event, the Washington Post will note, which includes a fashion show featuring clothes that have tailor-made pockets meant to conceal handguns. Around the same time, pish authorities build a case against Torshin for allegedly laundering money through pish banks and properties for the Russian mob. (Torshin has denied any connections to organized crime.)
April 2014

Butina and Torshin attend the NRA’s annual meeting in Indianapolis, where Butina is treated as a VIP. She presents a plaque to then-NRA president Jim Porter, and appears at one of the group’s events as a guest of David Keene. She is also asked to address attendees at the Ring of Freedom dinner, a special banquet that honors individuals who make high-dollar contributions to the NRA.
December 2015

Torshin is appointed as a deputy governor of the Russian central bank. Meanwhile, the Right to Bear Arms hosts NRA figures in Russia for a second time. Those making the trip include Keene; NRA board member Pete Brownell (who is now serving as NRA president); Joe Gregory, head of the NRA program for donors who give $1 million or more; and NRA benefactor Dr. Arnold Goldschlager and his daughter, NRA Women’s Leadership Forum executive committee member Hilary Goldschalger. Also along for the junket is then-Milwaukee County sheriff David Clarke, a controversial gun rights icon. While in Russia, Brownell and Keene are photographed with Dmitry Rogozin, the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia who is also an NRA supporter.
May 2016

Paul Erickson, a veteran Republican operative and NRA member with access to both the group’s leaders and officials in the Russian government, emails Rick Dearborn, a Trump campaign advisor. Erickson is looking to facilitate a “first contact” meeting between the campaign and Torshin at the upcoming spring convention in Louisville, Kentucky, where Trump will be featured as a speaker and receive the NRA’s early endorsement for president. Erickson writes, “The Kremlin believes that the only possibility of a true reset in this relationship would be with a new Republican in the White House.” The meeting never takes place. But at the convention, which occurs later in the month, Torshin shares a dinner table with Donald Trump Jr.
November 2016

Butina, now a graduate student at American University, in Washington, D.C., hosts a birthday party attended by Erickson and Trump campaign aides. At the event, she claims that she was involved in communications between Russia and the campaign, according to the Daily Beast.

The investigation into Russian election meddling gathers steam, following revelations of multiple contacts between Trump campaign staffers and Russian officials, and of a wide-ranging Russian effort to sow discord and boost the candidacy of the Republican nominee. If the NRA used Russian money to help finance its efforts in support of Donald Trump, it would be a violation of American election laws and likely cause serious reputational damage to a group that claims to defend American freedom.

Ah, yes. A group of far left activists is such a credible source of unbiased reporting. These guys are all dedicated to supporting socialist causes. And you say you vote libertarian. LOL.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It's ridiculous to even imagine that Putin wanted Trump to win. After all, he was already working in cahoots with Bill and Hillary in the Uranium One deal so he knew that Hillary could even help him more if she became President.

He knew that he could get anything which he wanted from the Clintons for the right amount of money.

The Barbarian

It's ridiculous to even imagine that Putin wanted Trump to win. After all, he was already working in cahoots with Bill and Hillary in the Uranium One deal so he knew that Hillary could even help him more if she became President.

You still believe that story? In fact, Clinton never signed off on the deal, but several agencies in which she had not control, did sign off on it:

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating proposed foreign acquisitions for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can.

All nine federal agencies were required to approve the Uranium One transaction before it could go forward. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton “never intervened” in committee matters. Clinton herself has said she wasn’t personally involved.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post Fact Checker subsequently looked at a similar Trump statement: "Remember that Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20 percent of American uranium and, you know, she was paid a fortune. You know, they got a tremendous amount of money."

The Fact Checker came to the same conclusion about Trump’s misleading language, giving Trump’s assertion its worst rating of Four Pinocchios.

This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia


He knew that he could get anything which he wanted from the Clintons for the right amount of money.

You've been suckered once again. Start thinking for yourself, and you won't be so easy to fool.

So much for that deflection attempt. Let's go back to the OP:

Is This the Collusion We Were Waiting For?
In May 2016, Paul Erickson, an activist who has raised money for the National Rifle Association, sent an email to Rick Dearborn, an adviser to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, with the super-subtle subject heading “Kremlin Connection.” As The New York Times reported last December, Erickson wrote that Russia was “quietly but actively seeking a dialogue with the U.S.” and planned to use the N.R.A.’s annual convention in Louisville, Ky. that month to make “first contact” with the Trump camp. At the convention, Donald Trump Jr. met with Aleksandr Torshin, an ally of President Vladimir Putin of Russia, reputed mobster and deputy governor of the Russian central bank.

This is one of those episodes that is easy to lose track of amid the avalanche of evidence connecting the Trump administration and Russia. But it takes on new significance because of an intriguing, potentially explosive article that McClatchy published Thursday headlined, “F.B.I. Investigating Whether Russian Money Went to N.R.A. to Help Trump.” We know of numerous secret communications between members of the Trump campaign and Russia, and favors asked for and received. This, however, is the most significant hint of a money trail. Norman Eisen, Barack Obama’s White House ethics czar, tweeted: “this could well be the collusion we have been waiting for, prosecutable as possible campaign finance crimes.”

The Barbarian


Did the National Rifle Association take money from a Kremlin-linked Russian banker, in order to support Donald Trump’s presidential campaign? According to McClatchy, that’s what the FBI is now investigating. It is illegal to accept money from foreign citizens for a US election campaigns.

The NRA was Trump’s biggest donor, and spent some $54 million on the 2016 general election, pouring money into radio and television ads that cast Hillary Clinton and Democrats as a threat to the Second Amendment and national security. Since the election, the NRA has rolled out a series of divisive, nationalistic ads that seem designed to stoke fear and fury in viewers.

Meanwhile, US intelligence agencies, including Trump’s own hand-picked officials, say that a Russian influence campaign intended to influence the election had several similar aims: Putin had “a clear preference for President-elect Trump,” and Russian propaganda was supposed to “denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency.” A Congressional investigation afterward found that the Russian propaganda campaign’s aim was to “sow chaos” in the United States, and to emphasize and exacerbate divisions in American society.

The relationship between the pro-gun group and the Russian banker, Alexander Torshin, goes back years.

Whether by design or accident, the NRA’s talking points align incredibly well with the main thrust of the Russian influence campaign waged during the 2016 election. Can you pick which of the quotes below came from the NRA, and which came from Russian propaganda?

1. They use their movie stars and singers and comedy shows and award shows to repeat their narrative over and over again.

2. We must not sacrifice national security to satisfy the demands of minorities.

3. Another gruesome attack on police by a BLM movement activist.

4. Hillary [Clinton] will lie about anything to get elected.

5. Hillary Clinton is the co-author of Obama’s anti-police and anti-Constitutional propaganda.

6. Racial hatred is “being forced on the American culture by the Black Lives Matter crowd.”

Answers: NRA 1, 4, 6. Russian propaganda 2, 3, 5.

1. The quote comes from an NRA ad released last year that was focused specifically on dividing America. As Quartz wrote then, it painted Democrats, as well as “mainstream media, teachers, actors, singers, comedians, protestors, people of color, women, queer people, and immigrants as ‘the other,'” a tactic that’s been used for centuries.

The ad even seemed to advocate that Americans take up arms against each other, advocating that we “fight this violence of lies with a clenched fist of truth.”

2. Russian propaganda, namely a social media group called “Stop A.I,” which stands for Stop All Invaders that pushed anti-immigrant memes to US citizens.

3. Russian propaganda. This comes from a Facebook group called “Being Patriotic” which organized more than a dozen pro-Trump rallies around the country before the general election, and had over 200,000 followers. Facebook shut down the group as part of its purge of accounts run by the Internet Research Agency, a Russian troll factory run by a former intelligence official the US government says (pdf pg. 4) is close to Putin.

4. An NRA ad from the 2016 campaign.

5. Russian propaganda, also from “Being Patriotic.”

6. A guest on NRA’s streaming network said this in July of 2017, after the network’s host blamed Barack Obama for poor race relations, and said the US could see South Africa levels of violence.


Some people in Russia want Russia to start recognizing, respecting, and affirming the inherent civil right to keep and bear arms? Sounds good.

The Barbarian

Some people in Russia want Russia to start recognizing, respecting, and affirming the inherent civil right to keep and bear arms? Sounds good.

Actually, it would be great if Putin respected all of the rights listed in the Constitution.

But then it would be great if Trump did, too.


Some people in Russia want Russia to start recognizing, respecting, and affirming the inherent civil right to keep and bear arms? Sounds good.

Ah, an inherent civil right to keep and bear arms. Yeah, I remember Jesus talking about that.



It's ridiculous to even imagine that Putin wanted Trump to win. After all, he was already working in cahoots with Bill and Hillary in the Uranium One deal so he knew that Hillary could even help him more if she became President.

He knew that he could get anything which he wanted from the Clintons for the right amount of money.
All 17 of America's intelligence agencies have agreed that the Russians hacked the DNC computers and arranged to have WikiLeaks release the emails.

We all know that the release of the illegally obtained emails were orchestrated to damage one, and only one, of the two presidential candidates - Hillary Clinton!

Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort convened a meeting in Trump Towers for the express purpose of obtaining "dirt" from the Russians on Hillary Clinton!

"The Donald" has expressed publically the "I love WikiLeaks," but then issued a press release deliberately falsifying the nature of the meeting with the Russians in Trump Towers!
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New member
It's ridiculous to even imagine that Putin wanted Trump to win. After all, he was already working in cahoots with Bill and Hillary in the Uranium One deal so he knew that Hillary could even help him more if she became President.

He knew that he could get anything which he wanted from the Clintons for the right amount of money.

You've been sucked in so far by Russian propaganda that you might as well start learning the language. Unless you already know it, that is.

patrick jane

All 17 of America's intelligence agencies have agreed that the Russians hacked the DNC computers and arranged to have WikiLeaks release the emails.

We all know that the release of the illegally obtained emails were orchestrated to damage one, and only one, of the two presidential candidates - Hillary Clinton!

Donald Trump Jr., Hared (sic) Kushner and Paul Manafort convened a meeting in Trump Towers for the express purpose of obtaining "dirt" from the Russians on Hillary Clinton!

"The Donald" has expressed publically (sic)the "I love "WikiLeaks," but also issued a press release deliberately falsifying the nature of the meeting with the Russians in Trump Towers!
Old news. His name is Jared, and that's Mr. Jared Kushner to you.

The Barbarian

They stumble right at numbers one and two, and it keeps heading downhill from there.
Well he seems fine on free speech,

As long as the speech supports him. He's constantly whinging about how news organizations need to be put under his control.

freedom of religion,

As long as it's a religion he likes. Otherwise, he wants to remove them from this country.

and the RKBA anyway.

Now he does...
The NRA’s largest 2016 outlay was the $30.3 million it spent in support of Trump.

In his book, The America We Deserve, Trump wrote that Republicans "refuse even limited restrictions" on guns and said they "walk the NRA line." Trump was referring to the National Rifle Association of America, which advocates for gun rights. Trump expressed support for the assault weapons ban and longer waiting periods to purchase guns...

Trump supported President Obama's remarks about tighter gun control after the Sandy Hook shooting.

(NRA hands over 30.3 million dollars to Trump and...

At a Las Vegas debate against then-Democratic nominee Clinton, Trump said he is a very strong supporter of people's right to bear arms.

He noted he was proud to have the National Rifle Association's endorsement in the race.

His loyalty is for sale. How much of that money was funneled through the NRA from Russian crime syndicates?

Mueller is about to find out.

The Barbarian

FBI counterintelligence officials were alarmed last year when a handful of Russian business leaders and activists with close ties to President Vladimir Putin showed up at Donald Trump’s inaugural festivities, the Washington Post reported Saturday.

Though the report does not specify which attendees drew of the FBI’s interest, former U.S. officials told the Post that they were concerned by the presence of individuals who had come up in the federal probe into the Trump campaign’s links to Russia.

The FBI and White House respectively declined and did not respond to the newspaper’s requests for comment.

Those in attendance included oil tycoon Viktor Vekselberg, pharmaceutical executive Alexey Repik, and lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Veselnitskaya’s summer 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr. and other key campaign officials.

According to the Post’s report, these members of Russia’s one percent rubbed shoulders with high-ranking U.S. officials at balls and other events celebrating Trump’s surprise victory.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
According to the Post’s report, these members of Russia’s one percent rubbed shoulders with high-ranking U.S. officials at balls and other events celebrating Trump’s surprise victory.

Obama's Justice Department and his FBI were not too concerned when Bill Clinton met with Putin himself about the time when the Uranium One deal was made and actually received a big fee from Russia. And the same people were not concerned when millions of dollars were given to the Clinton Foundation after the deal was made.

I see no evidence that you really care! Politics above all for you and so what if we sold 20% of the USA's precious uranium deposits to the Russians!


. . .(NRA hands over 30.3 million dollars to Trump and...

At a Las Vegas debate against then-Democratic nominee Clinton, Trump said he is a very strong supporter of people's right to bear arms.

He noted he was proud to have the National Rifle Association's endorsement in the race.

His loyalty is for sale. How much of that money was funneled through the NRA
To win, he needed to be pro-gun-rights. And it appears to me that, upon closer examination, when he was determining how to become president, that when it came to the RKBA, he concluded that his prior view on the issue wasn't as strong a conviction as he may have previously thought it was. I don't fault people for changing their mind from the wrong view to the right one. :D
from Russian crime syndicates?

Mueller is about to find out.
We all will. If there's anything there. Which I personally doubt. :idunno:
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