North Dakota Hero Rep. Dan Ruby

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North Dakota Hero Rep. Dan Ruby

This is the show from Thursday March 5th, 2009.

Bob Enyart: It used to be when Time magazine first published the pictures of the baby developing in the womb, the whole country was amazed. Now, after decades of tens of millions of moms killing their children, those pictures of the baby in the womb are looked at as pornography by millions of Americans.

Jo Scott: I've been told by police that it's pornography.

Bob Enyart: And we have liberals who get angry if they see a picture of a baby sucking his thumb in the womb. They get angry because child killing has turned the hearts of mothers against their children and the hearts of the nation against its young.
If you are pro-choice you are not confused. You're not wrong. You're evil. It's not just like you made a mistake. You're evil. You're in rebellion against God to advocate killing an innocent child.


ND Representative Ruby Sponsors Personhood Bill: As the Personhood movement marches across America, state representative Dan Ruby tells the Bismarck Tribune, "I think North Dakota will be on the map to be the first state in recent years to mount a legitimate challenge to Roe v. Wade!" Bob Enyart's interview of Rep. Ruby highlighted the scientific terminology in the legislation with its reference to human DNA which biologically distinguishes people from animal species. The two discussed the importance of North Dakota's legislation having no exceptions, just like the bills and initiatives currently moving forward in Georgia, Alabama, Montana, South Carolina, Maryland, Mississippi and Oregon! And Bob addressed the temptation to say that such legislative efforts are about personhood and not about ending abortion. "When America acknowledged the personhood of blacks, slavery became unconscionable. Likewise, when we re-affirm the God-given right to life and personhood of the unborn, U.S. law based on God's enduring command Do not murder will re-criminalize abortion. We're not going to trick the nation into re-criminalizing abortion so we should readily acknowledge that our goal to end the killing of the unborn."

* Abortion Clinic Stuffs Born Baby into Biohazard Bag: Pro-life Colorado's Jo Scott describes the Florida abortion clinic stuffing a live baby into a standard red biohazard bag and throwing the baby out into the trash. Gonzales. Police arrested abortion-clinic owner Belkis Gonzalez (no relation to Zenita) of Miramar charging her with the felonies of practicing medicine without a license and tampering with evidence. Apparently, in America you need a license to kill a baby. The abortion industry is apparently willing to throw Gonzalez under the bus, in an effort, not unlike decades of Focus on the Family regulations, that would clean up the image of the abortion industry. "Abortion is the face of evil," says Bob Enyart. "Those who advocate legalized child killing will repent or face God on Judgment Day for the New Testament states: 'It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God," and "Vengeance is Mine," says the LORD (Hebrews 10:30-31).

* Jefferson Mentions a BEL Secret Society: well, not a society so much as a team! Jefferson from Indiana calls in to invite you, and perhaps just one or two others, to join our weekly conference call of five team members: Bob E, Jeff, Jake, Quinn, and Josh, who work together helping BEL accomplish short-term tactical goals to promote personhood and the Christian worldview. This opening is not available to total strangers! (Remember when Patty Krangle, a Planned Parenthood employee, was paid by that abortion business to enter Bob Enyart's home under false pretenses once a week for over half-a-year? Hey, if they're really after you, you might not be paranoid :) No?)

Post-show update: The Alaska Supreme Court is getting another pro-abortion judge! This week Sarah Palin appointed a former Planned Parenthood board member to her state's Supreme Court against the pleas of Alaska pro-life leaders. The Anchorage Daily News reports the sad story including that Anchorage Superior Court Judge Morgan "Christen's application included her membership in several charitable groups, including some from her past, but did not mention that she was on the board of Planned Parenthood in the mid-1990s." But this information was known to Palin by the time she appointed this radical pro-abortion woman to the state's highest court. And to make matters worse, the article also points out that Palin is appointing a pro-abortion supreme court justice while supporting yet another worthless abortion regulation.

Today's Resource: Do you hope to move someone from unbelief to trusting in Christ? That typically involves breaking down both pride and misconceptions. You do NOT need anything from BEL to accomplish this! You can use prayer and the Scriptures. But if you would like some help from BEL, you could consider how these five powerful titles in the BEL Evangelism Pack can help someone decide to convert to Christianity!
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