Newsmax: Trump losing support of FOX viewers

The Barbarian

Which brings me to those poll numbers. Suffolk University and USA Today released a poll this week which found that among people who trust Fox News the most, the president's approval rating has been sinking. His favorability among Fox devotees in June was 90 percent. In October, it was 74 percent. This week? Fifty-eight percent. If that trend continues, he will be underwater with the Fox audience long before the 2018 midterms.

You can cry "fake polls," as Trump often does. But was the same poll fake in June? Or are the same trends that led to Trump's historically abysmal approval ratings now reaching even the Fox faithful?

From Virginia to Oklahoma to Alabama, establishment and anti-establishment GOP candidates alike have lost in large part because Democrats, Independents and a significant number of Republicans disapprove of Trump more than they approve of him.


New member
I wonder what the results would look like if they just polled the Fox hosts. Can you get more than 100% approval? I'm pretty sure Hannity alone would reach 400% approval.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Which brings me to those poll numbers. Suffolk University and USA Today released a poll this week which found that among people who trust Fox News the most, the president's approval rating has been sinking. His favorability among Fox devotees in June was 90 percent. In October, it was 74 percent. This week? Fifty-eight percent. If that trend continues, he will be underwater with the Fox audience long before the 2018 midterms.

You can cry "fake polls," as Trump often does. But was the same poll fake in June? Or are the same trends that led to Trump's historically abysmal approval ratings now reaching even the Fox faithful?

From Virginia to Oklahoma to Alabama, establishment and anti-establishment GOP candidates alike have lost in large part because Democrats, Independents and a significant number of Republicans disapprove of Trump more than they approve of him.

Do you remember a time during the election period where Hillary placed all her trust in the Polls? Polls can be deceiving, Barb. Hillary (Teflon Hill) found that out the hard way. I really don't 'pay no mind to Polls,' these days, you shouldn't either. If you believe in God then you KNOW that He and He alone places men into places of leadership, when it comes to nations. My proof is; Roman 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."

One of the examples of this is with "Pharoah of Egypt." If you saw the "Ten Commandments film" and read the account of the how the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews in the Bible, then, you'll KNOW that it was God Himself who placed Pharoah in power and God did it to bring Glory to Himself. Pharoah was forced to release the Hebrews after bringing several plagues upon Egypt. Later, the Pharoah and his army followed after the Hebrews and Pharoah's army perished in the "Red Sea." Why don't you re-read the story in the Old Testament and see where it mentions how God was bringing Glory to Himself by having Pharoah as the leader of Egypt. God always has a "Reason" for placing particular people into leadership over others.

The Barbarian

Do you remember a time during the election period where Hillary placed all her trust in the Polls?

No. Her last statement was that it was going to be close. It was. She got only about 3 million more votes than Trump, but he was lucky enough that he got more electoral votes than she did. The poll average was off by about 2.2%.

I really don't 'pay no mind to Polls,' these days,

You notice the high number of republican congressmen retiring now? Guess why. The string of republican losses in elections this year, and Trump's declining numbers have them spooked.

If you believe in God then you KNOW that He and He alone places men into places of leadership, when it comes to nations.

So God put Obama into office? And then something like Trump. Sounds kinda fickle to me.

One of the examples of this is with "Pharoah of Egypt." If you saw the "Ten Commandments film" and read the account of the how the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews in the Bible, then, you'll KNOW that it was God Himself who placed Pharoah in power and God did it to bring Glory to Himself.

So Trump is the Pharoah, and the DACA kids are the Israelites. I get it.

Pharoah was forced to release the Hebrews after bringing several plagues upon Egypt. Later, the Pharoah and his army followed after the Hebrews and Pharoah's army perished in the "Red Sea."

It does have some interesting parallels, doesn't it? But no, I don't think God dabbles in politics.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Barb, Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No. Her last statement was that it was going to be close. It was. She got only about 3 million more votes than Trump, but he was lucky enough that he got more electoral votes than she did. The poll average was off by about 2.2%.

You notice the high number of republican congressmen retiring now? Guess why. The string of republican losses in elections this year, and Trump's declining numbers have them spooked.

So God put Obama into office? And then something like Trump. Sounds kinda fickle to me.

So Trump is the Pharoah, and the DACA kids are the Israelites. I get it.

It does have some interesting parallels, doesn't it? But no, I don't think God dabbles in politics.

Then, you have decided to disregard what the Scriptures say? What will your "Pope" say about that, BARB?


Do you remember a time during the election period where Hillary placed all her trust in the Polls? Polls can be deceiving, Barb. Hillary (Teflon Hill) found that out the hard way. I really don't 'pay no mind to Polls,' these days, you shouldn't either. If you believe in God then you KNOW that He and He alone places men into places of leadership, when it comes to nations. My proof is; Roman 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."

One of the examples of this is with "Pharoah of Egypt." If you saw the "Ten Commandments film" and read the account of the how the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews in the Bible, then, you'll KNOW that it was God Himself who placed Pharoah in power and God did it to bring Glory to Himself. Pharoah was forced to release the Hebrews after bringing several plagues upon Egypt. Later, the Pharoah and his army followed after the Hebrews and Pharoah's army perished in the "Red Sea." Why don't you re-read the story in the Old Testament and see where it mentions how God was bringing Glory to Himself by having Pharoah as the leader of Egypt. God always has a "Reason" for placing particular people into leadership over others.

Your deity put Trump in power to "bring Glory to Himself"? Wow! Just WOW!
Your deity needs a lying ignorant schmuck to provide Glory?
There is some convoluted logic behind that one.
That is the deity you worship and would like me to adore as well? In the words of the Yankee Scooter "HOLY COW!"


Well-known member

Gary K

New member
Fox News Progressively going liberal

In Seattle? Completely liberal now. No conservative in my area watches Fox any more than any other news channel and most are doing news through the internet (have to recheck that resource, but I believe I'm giving that right).

Point: I think the world of polls is changing and those not checking websites are going to be out of the loop for accurate polls.

You hit the nail on the head that time, Lon. A lot of conservatives have stopped watching Fox. Ergo, Fox has fewer Trump supporters watching it. it's the same with networks like ESPN. They have gone so far left that many conservatives have simply stopped watching it.
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It's a desperate attempt to explain why self-professed Christians support a man whose life has been a rejection of everything God stands for.

Was this a comment on Marowbe's post? If so, I do not agree with your analysis. I think it is more of an indictment of the fundamentalist Christian (maybe Calvinist?) idea that their particular deity is in charge and has a finger in everything.
In addition to the idea contained in that position that simply denigrates their own conception of a deity. He provides Glory to himself by putting Trump in this position? Same could be said then for Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot.
How'd those work out for His Glory?
Sick, simply sick.


Well-known member
Was this a comment on Marowbe's post? If so, I do not agree with your analysis. I think it is more of an indictment of the fundamentalist Christian (maybe Calvinist?) idea that their particular deity is in charge and has a finger in everything.
In addition to the idea contained in that position that simply denigrates their own conception of a deity. He provides Glory to himself by putting Trump in this position? Same could be said then for Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot.
How'd those work out for His Glory?
Sick, simply sick.
"Sick, simply sick" would work out for His and our glory, if we do something to ensure it never happens again. It is a little odd seeing Trumps name amidst these though. I've seen the Trump/Hitler comparison before and it befuddles me. The two are nothing alike. I'd 'imagine' if next election you had Trump or Hitler, you'd vote Trump for infinity :think:

(try not to let your 'thoughts' become your 'truth')

Greg Jennings

New member
I wonder what the results would look like if they just polled the Fox hosts. Can you get more than 100% approval? I'm pretty sure Hannity alone would reach 400% approval.

There are some good ones there still. Dana Perino is fair, and Juan Williams is very liberal (despite having Republican sons lol)

Gary K

New member
Was this a comment on Marowbe's post? If so, I do not agree with your analysis. I think it is more of an indictment of the fundamentalist Christian (maybe Calvinist?) idea that their particular deity is in charge and has a finger in everything.
In addition to the idea contained in that position that simply denigrates their own conception of a deity. He provides Glory to himself by putting Trump in this position? Same could be said then for Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot.
How'd those work out for His Glory?
Sick, simply sick.

Hmmm... How did those dedicated pagans, Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus work out in fulfilling God's purposes? They did exactly what God raised them up to do. How about that king of Israel, Manasseh? How did he work out? He became faithful to God. How did Gideon work, you know, that guy that came from an idol worshipping family and delivered the Israelites from the Midianites with only 300 men against an army of 10's of thousands. How about that guy Judas? He played his part in the plan of God working out for the salvation of all who will accept it. How did the widow of Zeraphath work out? The woman of a heathen nation who took Elijah in and fed him while he was on the run from Ahab? How did the corrupt prophet Balaam work out even though he did his best to curse Israel? He pronounced blessing after blessing upon the children of Israel. How did that corrupt father-in-law of Jacob work out? After he ended up cheating Jacob several times he ended up pronouncing blessings on Jacob. How did those madmen from the country of the Gadarenes work out after they tried to attack Jesus? They became missionaries for him as when they went back to their villages they were once again sane and could only tell their stories of the power of God. How did Mary Magdalene work out? Her story of her love for Christ is told the world over wherever the gospel is preached.

The Bible is full of stories of those who were really questionable people who ended up doing God's will and accomplishing that which God had for them to do to further his cause.


New member
There are some good ones there still. Dana Perino is fair, and Juan Williams is very liberal (despite having Republican sons lol)

There's a distinction between their hosts and commentators, and their anchors and journalists. Hannity, Tucker, the Five, Pirro, those are hosts. Andrew Napolitano, who recently almost derailed a piece of actual legislation by saying some gonzo things about it that Trump heard, is a commentator. If you push them, they'll tell you they don't practice journalism. Shep Smith, Chris Wallace, Dana Perino, and Juan Williams are all journalists, and they're held to different standards. Some of the hosts seem to have undergone some sort of lobotomy. If you just compare Tucker Carlson on his Fox show to how he appears in other places, you realize that he's not dumb, he's just playing dumb for the Fox viewer, and then you get a glimpse of his real cynicism.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hmmm... How did those dedicated pagans, Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus work out in fulfilling God's purposes? They did exactly what God raised them up to do. How about that king of Israel, Manasseh? How did he work out? He became faithful to God. How did Gideon work, you know, that guy that came from an idol worshipping family and delivered the Israelites from the Midianites with only 300 men against an army of 10's of thousands. How about that guy Judas? He played his part in the plan of God working out for the salvation of all who will accept it. How did the widow of Zeraphath work out? The woman of a heathen nation who took Elijah in and fed him while he was on the run from Ahab? How did the corrupt prophet Balaam work out even though he did his best to curse Israel? He pronounced blessing after blessing upon the children of Israel. How did that corrupt father-in-law of Jacob work out? After he ended up cheating Jacob several times he ended up pronouncing blessings on Jacob. How did those madmen from the country of the Gadarenes work out after they tried to attack Jesus? They became missionaries for him as when they went back to their villages they were once again sane and could only tell their stories of the power of God. How did Mary Magdalene work out? Her story of her love for Christ is told the world over wherever the gospel is preached.

The Bible is full of stories of those who were really questionable people who ended up doing God's will and accomplishing that which God had for them to do to further his cause.

Excellent Post.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
"Sick, simply sick" would work out for His and our glory, if we do something to ensure it never happens again. It is a little odd seeing Trumps name amidst these though. I've seen the Trump/Hitler comparison before and it befuddles me. The two are nothing alike. I'd 'imagine' if next election you had Trump or Hitler, you'd vote Trump for infinity :think:

(try not to let your 'thoughts' become your 'truth')

Well spoken, Lon

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's a desperate attempt to explain why self-professed Christians support a man whose life has been a rejection of everything God stands for.

What does your Pope think of that situation? Not that old GM cares about what the Pope thinks, but, just out of curiosity? You know the old adage; "Curiosity killed the cat, but, satisfaction brought it back."