NASA Found That Everything the Bible Says Is True!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber


Our satellites don't get anywhere near the planets or the moon and even if they did, a missing day from thousands of years ago would not affect anything NASA is doing today and certainly would not have caused NASA's computers to halt everything or to even throw up any sort of red flag. Why would NASA's computers care about calculating the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets into the past anyway? Further, all of the calculations into the past are based on starting points that were determined by actual modern day observations of where these objects are now. There is no way of detecting a missing day from thousands of years ago based on astronomical observations of where things currently are because there is no way to back in time to check to see if the calculations depart from where they actually were.

Who in their right mind would believe something so transparently made up?

Maybe use a little discernment next time. You only serve to make Christianity look foolish.